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Mr Michael Infurna Project 20805-151-004 <br /> August 25, 2000 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Soil Stockpile Samples Six of the 18 stockpile samples contained concentrations of <br /> TPHG ranging from 2 54 mg/kg to 340 mg/kg TBA was detected in three of the <br />' 11 samples analyzed at concentrations ranging from 0 22 mg/kg to 0 46 mg/kg and <br /> MTBE was detected in three of the 14 samples analyzed at concentrations ranging from <br /> 0 011 mg/kg to 0 32 mg/kg Total lead was detected 1n samples SP-2 (collected on <br />' 4/21/99), SP-1, and SP-4 at concentrations of 114 mg/kg, 5 mg/kg, and 8 mg/kg, <br /> respectively Certified analytical reports and chain-of-custody documentation are <br /> presented in Appendix B <br />' CONCLUSIONS <br /> Three fiberglass USTs (two 12,000-gallon gasoline USTs and one 10,000-gallon <br /> gasoline UST) were removed from the site on April 29, 1999, and replaced with two new <br /> 15,000-gallon gasoline USTs and one new 12,000-gallon gasoline UST The USTs were <br /> transported by Fuller Excavation and Demo to Erickson of Richmond, California, for <br /> disposal Impacted stockpiled soil was transported by Dillard Trucking to Browning <br /> Ferris Industries Vasco Road Sanitary Landfill for disposal <br /> Four 4-inch-diameter observation wells were removed intact during the excavation <br /> activities The observation wells were replaced with two new 4-inch-diameter <br /> Iobservation wells located in the northeast and southwest corners of the new UST <br /> complex <br />' Concentrations of MTBE remaining in soil at the bases of the UST excavations range <br /> from 0 012 mg/kg to 20 8 mg/kg Residual benzene and TBA were detected at <br /> concentrations of 0 0733 mg/kg (sample T-3-N at 17 feet bgs) and 23 2 mg/kg (sample <br /> LT-2-N at 17 feet bgs), respectively <br /> No residual MTBE remains beneath the former product lines Residual TPHG and <br /> benzene remains beneath sample location PL-6 at concentrations of 2 1 mg/kg and <br /> 0 0066 mg/kg, respectively <br />' Residual MTBE remaining in soil beneath former dispenser location D-6 was detected at <br /> a concentration of 0 204 mg/kg Residual TPHG concentrations range from 36 mg/kg to <br /> 1,430 mg/kg <br /> Groundwater encountered at the base (17 feet bgs) of the northern UST excavation was <br /> not sampled <br /> SAC\\\SACRFPI\COMMON\Consulting\data\Sharcd\Projects\P10\0805\08051510 4zz doe-Mit 1 <br /> (804141 00008) <br />