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1 <br /> Ground Water Sampling <br />' 1 INTRODUCTION <br />' The guidelines that follow are modified from the 1991 final draft of Test Methods for E v a 1 u a t i n g <br /> mac, Volume 11,Chapter 11,published by the United States Environmental Protection <br /> Agency(U S EPA, 199 1) This document is commonly referenced by its document number, SW- <br /> 846 The Department of Toxic Substances Control (Cal/EPA) has incorporated appropriate <br /> sections of SW-846 into this document, in an effort to minimize redundant or contradictory <br /> guidance between the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) and U S EPA <br />' Although developed for monitoring and corrective actions at permitted facilities under the Resource <br /> z Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),the methods and materials discussed in Chapter 11 of <br />' SW-846 are applicable to tU hazardous waste sites As such, SW-846 is readily adaptable for <br /> investigations pursued under the authority of the Cal/EPA Site Mitigation Program <br /> 1.1 Purpose <br /> 1 This document is intended to provide guidelines for the sampling and analysis of ground <br /> water used for the charactenzation of hazardous waste sites The purpose of flus document <br />' is to aid in the selection of sampling devices and analytical methods,provide recommended <br /> quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures, and give a standardized <br /> approach to the presentation of the resulting data The recommendations contained herein <br /> represent minimum cnteriajudged necessary to obtain quality data and assure reasonable <br /> and independently verifiable interpretations <br />' The recommendations presented here are a subset of the larger site characterization <br /> process Refer to the Guidelines for Hydrogeglogic Characterization for Hazardous <br /> Substance Release Site (Cal/EPA, 1995)for additional information on investigative tools <br />' 12 Limitations <br /> The recommendations presented here represent the minimum criteria that can aid obtaining <br />' quality data and assuring reasonable and independently verifiable interpretations Some <br /> sites may require investigative efforts above and beyond the scope of this document, while <br /> at other sites a less rigorous application of this guidance may be appropriate It is the <br />' obligation of the responsible parties and the qualified professionals performing site <br /> investigations to consult with pertinent regulatory agencies, Identify all requirements and <br /> meet them appropriately <br />' This document discusses broad categories of methods and devices that can be used in the <br /> sampling and analysis of ground water It does not define specific operating procedures <br /> for sampling and analysis Nor does this document propose guidelines for every available <br />' sampling device or analytical method The qualified professional in charge of the field <br /> investigation should specify the methods, equipment and operating procedures in an <br /> appropriate work plan and document any significant departures from the work plan that <br />' were necessary during the course of the investigation <br /> This document does not supersede existing statutes and regulations Federal, state and <br /> local regulations, statutes, and ordinances should be identified when required by law, and <br /> site characterization activities should be performed in accordance with the most stringent <br /> . of these requirements where applicable,relevant and appropriate <br />' 1 <br /> 1 <br />