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CENTRAL VAL# REGIONAL WATER QUALITY C TROL BOARD <br /> INSPECTION REPORIJ <br /> DISCHARGER: Kleinfield Farms <br /> LOCATION & COUNTY: Carter Road and N. Henry Road, Farmington; San Joaquin County <br /> CONTACT(S) : Mr. Jerry Baughman, Manager <br /> INSPECTION DATE: 5 March 1982 <br /> INSPECTED BY: John Menke <br /> ACCOMPANIED BY: Warden Weber Fisher, Department of Fish and Game <br /> OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTS: <br /> In response to a complaint that manured water had been discharged to neighboring <br /> property, I inspected the animal waste system at the Kleinfield Poultry Farm. I <br /> observed ponded drainage water flowing to a natural drainage course which con- <br /> tinues off the farm property. The ponded water contained residual manure as <br /> indicated by elevated electrical conductivity readings and observations of <br /> drainage courses from the vicinity of the waste lagoons . <br /> I talked to Mr. Baughman who indicated that excessive rainfall had necessitated <br /> releasing manured water to the drainage course in order to prevent a breech in a <br /> manure lagoon . He pointed out that the current farm owners had installed a <br /> system to separate rainwater from wash water and also decreased the volume of <br /> wash water used . He felt there would be no problem in a "normal" rainfall year. <br /> I informed him that Animal Waste Management Guidelines makes allowances for an <br /> intense storm ( 10 year, 24 hours storm) but has no allowance for years where <br /> total rainfall is above average. I indicated that he would need to consider <br /> improvements which would prevent a similar manured water release in the future. <br /> He mentioned that one pond levee could be raised to increase pond capacity, and <br /> also that additional effort would be made to decrease the amount of wastewater <br /> generated. He indicated that the area topography prevented him from containing <br /> a pond overflow discharge to his land; and we agreed it therefore seems essen- <br /> tial to prevent such a discharge. <br /> We discussed distributing wastewater onto Kleinfield Farm land between storms. <br /> Mr. Baughman indicated there was currently no operational distribution system <br /> although there are some irrigation pipelines on the farm. Currently poultry <br /> manure is hauled away and spread on neighboring farm land in the fall . <br /> We also discussed ponded wastewater on the side of Carter Road. Mr. Baughman <br /> indicated the water came from a solid waste storage area, and that he could <br /> prevent such wastewater in the future by putting berms around the storage area.. <br /> Reviewed by: <br />