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SAN J O A Q U I N Environmental Health Department <br /> - COUNTS' <br /> Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator Inspection Report <br /> at <br /> MAW(, <br /> m � �Hn .irate � ..� V D l �. <br /> 14, <br /> VM/t <br /> it C1 <br /> Treatment, Transport and Disposal <br /> 207 HSC 25144 .6 (b) Failure to properly manage reusable soiled textile materials ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 208 HSC 25200. 3 . 1 (c) Failure of laboratory to comply with hazardous waste treatment requirements ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 209 CCR 66262. 34(d) (2) Failure to remove all hazardous waste from tanks, containers and containment upon facility closure ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> Preparedness and Prevention <br /> 301 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Facility not maintained to minimize the release of a hazardous waste VV ❑ R O( COS <br /> 302 CCR 66262.34 (d) (2) Failed to maintain required emergency equipment ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 303 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Failed to maintain all communication or alarm systems, spill control , or decontamination equipment '41 V ❑ R p( COS <br /> 304 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Failed to maintain adequate aisle space for unobstructed response to emergencies ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> Container Management <br /> 401 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Failed to store hazardous waste in a container that is in good condition ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 402 CCR 66262.34 (d) (2) Failed to store hazardous waste in a compatible container ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 403 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Failed to keep hazardous waste containers closed except when adding or removing hazardous waste V ❑ R p(COS <br /> 404 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Failed to inspect hazardous waste storage areas at least weekly ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 405 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Failed to manage incompatible wastes in containers properly ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 406 CCR 66261 . 7 Contaminated container not marked with date emptied or managed within one year of being emptied ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 407 CCR 66262. 34 (e) (1 ) (A) Satellite accumulation container not located near point of generation or under control of operator ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 408 CCR 66262. 34 (e) (2) Satellite accumulation exceeded 55 gallons of HW (or one quart of acutely HW) per waste stream ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> Tank Management <br /> 501 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) No overfill prevention device on continuously fed hazardous waste tank ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 502 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Tank system inspections of discharge systems, monitoring equipment, and tank levels not done daily ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 503 CCR 66262 . 34 (d) (2) Tank system inspections of construction materials, fixtures, and surrounding areas not done weekly ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 504 CCR 66262. 34 (d) (2) Failed to maintain at least two feet of freeboard in uncovered tank with no secondary containment ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 505 CCR 66262. 34 (f) Failed to completely label stationary hazardous waste tanks ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> Labeling and Storage <br /> 601 CCR 66262. 34 (d) Stored hazardous waste onsite greater than 180 days ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 602 CCR 66262. 34 (e)(1 ) (B) Stored satellite accumulated waste on site longer than one year or 180 days after fill date ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 603 CCR 66262. 34 (e) (1 ) (C) Failed to mark initial accumulation start date on satellite containers ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 604 CCR 66262. 34 (e) (3) Failed to mark satellite containers with date filled within three days ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 605 CCR 66262. 34 (f) Failed to completely label containers or portable tanks of hazardous waste AV ❑ R &COS <br /> 606 CCR 66266 , 81 (a) (3) Failed to meet lead acid battery storage requirements for hazardous waste management exemption ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 607 CCR 66266 , 81 (b) Damaged lead acid batteries not properly managed and labeled ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 608 CCR 66266. 130 Failed to properly manage used oil and fuel filters ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 609 HSC 25143.21 25143 . 9 Failed to meet requirements for claimed excluded recyclable materials ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 610 CCR 66262.34 (b) (1 ) Stored acutely or extremely hazardous waste onsite greater than 90 days ❑ V ❑ R ❑ COS <br /> 11 /13/2019 <br /> EHD 22-01 Rev. 9/20/2019 Page 2 Of 4 Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generator OIR <br /> 1868 E . Hazelton Avenue I Stockton , California 952051 T 209 468-3420 1 F 209 464-0138 1 www. sjcehd . com <br />