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S A J D A I Environmental Health Department <br /> —COUNTY <br /> Greatness grows hp,e. <br /> Corrective Action Statement <br /> RE: November 18, 2019, Underground Storage Tank inspection report <br /> For each violation listed below, indicate if the violation has been corrected or will be corrected by a certain date. Also, <br /> describe what was done to correct the violation in the space provided below each violation. Submit this completed <br /> form with the Return to Compliance Certification within 30 days of inspection. If you have any questions, please <br /> contact Paul Nso at (209)468-3432 or <br /> MARCH AND BIANCHI CHEVRON, 1916 E MARCH LN, CERS ID: 10186995, PR0527728 <br /> Violation#308- Failed to maintain a continuous monitoring system that activates an audible and visual alarm <br /> ❑ This violation was corrected ❑ This violation will be corrected by(date): <br /> ❑ Supporting documents included <br /> Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br /> Violation#316- Secondary containment not constructed to prevent water intrusion (after Jul 2003). <br /> ❑ This violation was corrected ❑ This violation will be corrected by(date): <br /> ❑ Supporting documents included <br /> Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br /> Page 4 of 4 <br /> Rev.8/27/2019 <br /> 1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 1 T 209 468-3420 1 F 209 464-0138 1 <br />