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101 1 send my application to reactivate my EPD ID to the DTSC office in Sacramento on <br /> 12/15/2011. <br /> 305. 1 (May <br /> ra Mendez) purchased new eyewash solution on 12/16/2011 to provide a current <br /> maintained eyel w <br /> ash station for this area . <br /> 404. The 55 gallon alue steel drum of used oil that was observed without a lid was closed by Jose <br /> Alejo Torres , he immec iately closed the drum on 12/07/2011 & he even purchased new drums to have <br /> everything in th right rder <br /> 605. Jose P lejo Tor es fixed and mark all the labes correctly and with full information <br /> 701. Imme flately I ontact a licensed hazardous waste hauler to dispose of this waste under <br /> manifest and su mita copy of the manifest to the EDH. <br /> 703. Jose Aejo Tor es and 1( mayra mendez)filled the plan information form on 12/07/2011 and <br /> now we have 2 orms ea h one by a phone in the store . <br /> 703. Jose Alejo Torres trained the employees on 12/10/2011 about procedures of how handling <br /> hazardous waStE on site Now all employees who handle hazardous waste are thoroughly familiar with <br /> proper waste ha idling a d emergency procedures. <br /> 804. One a-nployeE put the fluorescent bulbs in a box and put it away in a storage box . <br /> 808. We pu chase a drum to put all the universal waste separated and the drum is label correctly <br /> with all the requ red. <br />