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Page 2 <br /> of an approved aerobic septic tank system or pressure dosing smaller amounts of effluent into a grid <br /> type filter bed - metered out over time . <br /> An outside consultant estimates that the Fescue grass proposed as vegetation to uptake Nitrogen in <br /> this design would only remove about 10 % of the nitrogen this design has proposed to remove . <br /> Dr . Stewart Oakley discusses disposal of household sewage in " Onsite Nitrogen Removal " , University <br /> Curriculum Development for Decentralized Wastewater Management , September 2004 . He states <br /> that an average household of four would create up to 50 lbs . of Nitrogen per year and that the effluent <br /> would have to be evenly dispersed over a Y4 acre parcel or 10 , 890 sq . ft . to be effectively used by a <br /> Bermuda grass lawn . The design for these filter beds are approximately 750 sq . ft . <br /> 4 . The design should not be dependent on a homeowner maintaining the vegetation over this leach area <br /> for the life of the system . Failure of the homeowner to maintain the growth of vegetation over the <br /> system would cause the system to not function as designed and fail to remove any nitrates from the <br /> effluent . <br /> If you have any questions please contact at wfoxRsigov . org or (209 ) 468 -3420 . <br /> Respectfully , <br /> Wayne Fox , REHS <br /> Interim Director of Environmental Health <br /> Nitrate Well 10/27/ 15 <br />