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It was also noted that the consultant thought the 20.8 min/in perc rate "seems fast for clay loam <br />soils." I have been documenting the exceptional permeability of the Tracy area clay soils for <br />almost 30 years; my test results are not unusual. With regard to rainfall, the consultant states "The <br />study states an assumption of 10 inches per year for rainfall recharge (R -Value), with no <br />supporting rationale or reference." I have been using the San Joaquin County Isohyetal Map of <br />Mean Annual Precipitation for the past 26 years. The EHD knows, or should know, this is the <br />source of this data. <br />This illustrates the problem of hiring outside consultants who are not familiar with local <br />observations, or the documentation I have submitted to EHD, such as the Isohyetal Map, since I <br />wrote the first Nitrate Loading Study for EHD, 26 years ago. <br />In summary, as the civil engineer -of -record for this portion of the project, it is my professional <br />opinion that the importation of an additional -3.5 feet of soil is unnecessary based on the <br />discussions above. <br />Respectfully submitted, .S�a��� rhes mai\ <br />CHESNEY CONSULTING q �� <br />0 No. 7.5479 0 <br />ti <br />Don Chesney, PE �fafe Civil <br />Registered Civil Engineer #C75479 Of cali4 <br />CA Registered Nitrogen Management Specialist 4341829 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />Chesney Consulting <br />