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WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS ORDER NO. R5-2008-0148 -8- <br /> LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL SECURITY, LLC AND <br /> THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FOR <br /> LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORY SITE 300 <br /> SAN JOAQUIN AND ALAMEDA COUNTIES <br /> 31 . In March 1997, the Discharger submitted a 100-year Storm Event Study for <br /> the Site 300 Sanitary Sewer Ponds (1997 Study) evaluating the capacity of <br /> the system to contain the 100-year precipitation event. The 1997 Study <br /> evaluated the maximum flow into the sewage evaporation and percolation <br /> ponds, the 100-year precipitation, infiltration and exfiltration, and percolation <br /> and concluded that the sewage ponds can hold the maximum discharge and <br /> the influx from a 100-year storm event. <br /> 32.To augment the 1997 Study, in 2005 the Discharger submitted a water <br /> balance evaluation to account for the evaporation from the system. The 2005 <br /> evaluation concluded that the evaporation potential is greater than the <br /> amount of water entering the sewage evaporation pond; approximately 75% <br /> of the flow into the sewage evaporation pond is lost to evaporation annually. <br /> During the winter months of December through March, the evaporation <br /> decreases and flows to the percolation pond may occur <br /> 33.The Order preceding Order No. 96-248 did not have freeboard requirements. <br /> For 10 years prior to issuance of Order No. 96-248, the Discharger operated <br /> the sewage evaporation pond with one foot of freeboard without incident of <br /> structural problems or wave action washing over the berm. Since depth to <br /> groundwater varies between zero and 10 feet below the base of the sewage <br /> ponds, overflow to the percolation pond has the potential to degrade <br /> groundwater. <br /> 34.This Order requires the Discharger to maintain adequate freeboard in the <br /> sewage evaporation pond to prevent over-topping or erosion of the pond <br /> embankment which may threaten the integrity of the pond. The Discharger <br /> will maintain the minimum freeboard determined as adequate to reduce or <br /> eliminate the overflow frequency to the percolation pond during winter <br /> months. Removable boards control flow into the spillway to the percolation <br /> pond and maintain freeboard depth. <br /> 35.This Order requires the Discharger to monitor quarterly the wastewater <br /> entering the sewage evaporation pond for specific conductance (SC), pH and <br /> biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and the wastewater in the sewage <br /> evaporation pond for pH, SC, dissolved oxygen (DO), (BOD), total and fecal <br /> coliform and metals. Any discharge from the sewage evaporation pond to the <br /> sewage percolation pond is sampled and analyzed for DO, BOD, SC, total <br /> and fecal coliform, pH and metals. The Discharger also monitors <br /> groundwater downgradient and upgradient of the sewage ponds semi- <br /> annually for pH, SC, fecal and total coliform, chloride, nitrate, sulfate, sodium, <br /> total dissolved solids (TDS), metals and groundwater elevation. Sewage <br /> pond and groundwater sampling locations are shown on Attachment 8, a part <br />