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U.S.EPA Form 8700-22 Note:If additional space is needed for waste descriptions,enter these additional descriptions <br /> Read all instructions before completing this form. in Item 27 on the continuation sheet(EPA Form 8700-22A).Also,if more than one <br /> 1. Federal regulations require generators and transporters of hazardous waste and owners or Emergency Response phone number applies to the various wastes described in either Item <br /> •4 operatft of receiving facilities designated on the manifest to complete this form(EPA Form 9b or Item 27,enter applicable Emergency Response phone numbers immediately following <br /> 8700-22)and,ibecessary,the continuation sheet fEPA Form 8700-22A)for both inter- the shipping descriptions for those Items. <br /> and intrastate transportation of hazardous waste. Item 10.Containers(Number and Type) <br /> 2. This manifest reflects formatting changes made by U.S.EPA in December 2017. Enter the number of containers for each waste and the appropriate abbreviation from Table I <br /> Beginning on June 30,2018,this manifest(Revision 12.17)must be used and all (below)for the type of container. <br /> previous editions are prohibited.Go to for additional TABLE L-TYPES OF CONTAINERS <br /> information. BA=Burlap,cloth,paper,or plastic bags. DT=Dump truck. <br /> 3. This form must be purchased from a registered printer CF=Fiber or plastic boxes,cartons,cases. DW=Wooden drums,barrels,kegs. <br /> (hUps:// CM=Metal boxes,cartons,cases(including roll- HG=Hopper or gondola cars. <br /> registry#how)and has been designed to be filled out using standard computer printers;a offs). <br /> fine point pen mayalso be used-press down hard.After June 30,2018,this form can also CW=Wooden boxes,cartons,cases. TC=Tank cars. <br /> be completed electronically in EPA's e-Manifest system. CY=Cylinders. TP=Portable tanks. <br /> Thepublic burden related dthe Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest.which5approved under estimated loaveraye(Der manifest)60 <br /> DF=Fiberboard or plastic drums,barrels,kegs. TT=Cargo tanks(tank trucks). <br /> minutes for generators;20 minutes for transporters:and 30 minutes for owners and operators of receiving facilities designated on the manifest.This is DM=Metal drums,barrels,kegs. <br /> mandatory collection under 40 CFR Pan 262,Subpart B.40 CFR Part 263,Subpart B,and 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265,Subpart E.An agency may not <br /> conduct or sponsor,and a person is not required to respond to,a collection of information unless It displays a arently valid OMB control number,The Item 11.Total Quantity <br /> completed form should be submitted in accordance,Win the instructions accompanying fire form,or as specified in the corresponding regulation.Send Enter,in designated boxes,the total quantity of waste.Round partial units to the nearest <br /> comments on the Agency's need for this information,the accuracy ofNe provided burden estimates,and any suggested methods for minim¢ing respondent whole unit,and do not enter decimals or fractions.To the extent practical,report quantities <br /> burden,including thmugh the use of e•Manifest,to the Director,Collection Strategies Division,U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(28227),1200 <br /> ro riate units of measure that will allow you to reportquantities with precision. <br /> Pennsylvania Ave.,NW.Washington,D.C.20460.Please include the OMB control number In any coresppndence.Do NOT send the completed using manifest g a PP P <br /> forms to this address.Privacy Act Statement-None ofthe information collected under the Manifest Program is considered Personalty Identifiable Waste quantities entered should be based on actual measurements or reasonably accurate <br /> Information rPn)orcomaemlareuVrieulnrorma_tronrcel1. estimates of actual quantities shipped.Container.capacities are not acceptable as estimates. <br /> I.Instructions for Generators Item 12.Units of Measure(Weight/Volume) <br /> Item 1.Generator's U.S.EPA Identification Number Enter,in designated boxes,the appropriate abbreviation from Table 11(below)for the unit of <br /> Enter the generator's U.S.EPA twelve-digit identification number,or the state generator measure. <br /> identification number if the generator site does not have an EPA identification number. TABLE 11-UNITS OF MEASURE <br /> Item 2.Page 1 of_ G=Gallons(liquids only). N=Cubic Meters. <br /> Enter the total number of pages used to complete this manifest(i.e.,the first page(EPA Form K=Kilograms. P=Pounds. <br /> 8700=22)plus the number of continuation sheets(EPA Form 8700-22A),if any). L=Liters(liquids only). T=Tons(2000 Pounds). <br /> Item 3.Emergency Response Phone Number M=Metric Tons(1000 kilograms). Y=Cubic Yards. <br /> Enter a phone number for which emergency response information can be obtained in the event Note:Tons,Metric Tons,Cubic Meters,and Cubic Yards should only be reported.for very <br /> of an incident during transportation.The emergency response phone number must: large bulk shipments,such as rail cars,tank trucks,or barges. <br /> 1. Be the number of the generator or the number of an agency or organization who is Item 13.Waste Codes <br /> capable of and accepts responsibility for providing detailed information about the Enter up to six federal and state waste codes to describe each waste stream identified in Item <br /> shipment; 9b.State waste codes that are not redundant with federal codes must be entered here,in <br /> 2. Reach a phone that is monitored 24 hours a day at all times the waste is in transportation addition to the federal waste codes which are most representative of the properties of the <br /> (including transportation related storage);and waste. <br /> 3. Reach someone who is either knowledgeable of the hazardous waste being shipped and Item 14.Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information <br /> has comprehensive emergency response and spill cleanup/incident mitigation information 1. Generators may enter any special handling or shipment-specific information necessary <br /> for the material being shipped or has immediate access to a person who has that knowledge for the proper management or tracking of the materials under the generator's or other <br /> and information about the shipment. handler's business processes,such as waste profile numbers,container codes,bar <br /> Note:Emergency Response'phone number information should only be entered in Item 3 when codes,or response guide numbers.Generators also may use this space to enter <br /> there is one phone number that applies to all the waste materials described in Item 9b.If a additional descriptive information about their shipped materials,such as chemical <br /> situation(e.g.,consolidated shipments)arises where more than one Emergency Response names,constituent percentages,physical state,or specific gravity of wastes identified <br /> phone number wastes listed-on the manifest,the phone numbers with volume units in Item 12. <br /> associated with each specific material should be entered after its description in Item 9b. 2. This space may be used to record limited types of federally required information for which <br /> Item 4.Manifest Tracking Number there is no specific space provided on the manifest,including any alternate facility <br /> This unique tracking number must be pre-printed on the man'rfest by the forms printer. designations;the manifest tracking number of the original manifest for rejected wastes <br /> Item 5.Generator's Mailing Address,Phone Number and Site Address and residues that are re-shipped under a second manifest;and the specification of <br /> Enter the name of the generator,the mailing address to which the completed manifest signed polychlorinated biphenyl(PCB)waste descriptions and PCB out-of-service dates required, <br /> by the designated facility should be mailed,and the generator's telephone number.Note,the under 40 CFR 761-.207.Generators,however,cannot be required to enter information in <br /> telephone number(including area code)should be the normal business number for the this space to meet state regulatory requirements. <br /> geperator,or the number where the generator or his authorized agent may be reached to Item 15.Generator's/Offeror's Certifications <br /> Aide instructions in the event the designated and/or alternate(if any)facility rejects some or 1.The generator must read,sign,and date the waste minimization certification statement.In <br /> all of the shlia'ment.Also enter the physical site address from which the shipment originates signing the waste minimization certification statement,those generators who have not <br /> only.if this address is different than the mailing address. been exempted by statute or regulation from the duty to make a waste minimization <br /> Item 6.Transporter 1 Company Name,and U.S.EPA ID Number certification under section 3002(b)of RCRA are also certifying that they have complied <br /> Enter the company name and U.S.EPA ID number of the first transporter who will transport the with the waste minimization requirements.The Generator's Certification also contains the <br /> waste.Vehicfe or driver information may not be entered here. required attestation that the shipment has been properly prepared and is in proper <br /> Item 7.Transporter 2 Company Name and U.S.EPA ID Number condition for transportation(the shipper's certification).The content of the shipper's <br /> If applicable,enter the company name and U.S.EPA ID number of the second transporter certification statement is as follows:"I hereby declare that the contents of this <br /> who will transport the waste.Vehicle or driver information may not be entered here. consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name,and <br /> If more than two transporters are needed,use a continuation sheet(s)(EPA Form 8700-22A). are classified,packaged,marked and labeled/placarded,and are in all respects in proper <br /> Item 8.Designated Facility Name,Site Address,and U.S.EPA ID Number condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental <br /> Enter the company name,and site address of the facility designated to receive the waste listed regulations.If export shipment and I am the Primary Exporter,I certify that the contents of <br /> on this manifest.Also enter the facility's phone number and the U.S.EPA twelve-digit this consignment conform to the terms of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent.' <br /> identification-number of the facility. When a party other than the generator prepares the shipment for transportation,this party <br /> Item 9.U.S.DOT Description(Including Proper Shipping Name,Hazard Class or Division, may also sign the shipper's certification the offeror of the shipment. <br /> 2. Generator or Offeror personnel may preprint the words,"On behalf of in the signature <br /> Identification Number,and Packing Group) <br /> Item 9a.If the wastes identified in Item 9b consist of both hazardous and nonhazardous block at may hand write this statement in the signature block prior to signing the <br /> materials,then identify the hazardous materials by entering an"X"in this Item next to the agent f the nameror certification,to indicate that the individual signs as the employee or <br /> corresponding hazardous material identified in Item 9b. agent of the named principal. <br /> Item 9b.Enter the U.S.DOT Proper Shipping Name,Hazard Class or Division,Identification Note:All of the above information except the handwritten signature required in Item 15 may be <br /> Pre-printed.(Handwritten signatures are not applicable if the generator is preparing and signing <br /> Number(ULAMA)and Packing Group for each waste as identified in r CFR part 172.Include <br /> technical name(s)and reportable quantity references,if applicable. an electronic manifest using EPA's a Manifest system.) <br />