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SAN JOAQUINCOMMUNIT'Y DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> MINOR wSUBDIVISION <br /> —COUNTY— <br /> Greatness <br /> GUNTYGreatness grows here. <br /> FILE NUMBER: <br /> TENTATIVE MAP CHECKLIST <br /> (Tentative maps must contain all applicable information contained in this checklist) <br /> ***Incomplete tentative maps will not be accepted*** <br /> TENTATIVE MAP FORMAT: <br /> The tentative shall include the following; <br /> ■❑ Size: 24"x 36" <br /> ■❑ North Arrow pointing towards the top of the page, date and scale <br /> 07 Location and names of all streets and easements bordering on the property with access details <br /> ■❑ All property lines or boundary lines of the parcel with dimensions <br /> ■❑ Identify and label each proposed parcel including any designated remainder <br /> EW Vicinity map showing the location of the property in relation to surrounding streets <br /> ❑E Owner Information: Name, address, telephone number of the owner(s) <br /> ❑E Engineer/Surveyor Information: Name, address, telephone number of the engineer or surveyor <br /> ❑E Adjacent Property Owner Information: Names of adjoining property owners, including those across any easements, <br /> roads, waterways, etc. <br /> ■0 Contour Lines: Contour lines or spot elevation relative to mean sea level datum <br /> ■❑ Dedications: Improvement and easements to be dedicated to the County N/A <br /> ■0 Existing Improvements: Identify and label all existing structures with dimensions, square footage, and distances <br /> from other structures and property lines. This includes existing wells, private wastewater treatment systems, and <br /> storm drainage facilities (Contact the Environmental Health Department at 209-468-3420 for wastewater <br /> regulations and/or water well regulations) (Contact the Department of Public Works at 209-468-3000 for storm <br /> water regulations) <br /> ■❑ Watercourses: Location of existing watercourses and the extent of any levee,with toe and crown indicated N/A <br /> Al Flooding: Identify areas subject to flooding from an intermediate regional flood and depth of floodwaters, if <br /> applicable. Also, identify any proposed methods of flood protection if property is subject to inundation from an <br /> intermediate regional flood or flood hazard <br /> Updated 08[2812020 <br />