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Underground Storage Tank <br /> Monitoring System Certification Form <br /> 10. MONITORING SITE PLAN <br /> Date site plan was prepared: <br /> If a site plan has been prepared that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, <br /> with your Monitoring System Certification Form. The site plan must show the general layout of tanks and <br /> identify locations of the monitoring panel, and all leak detection equipment and monitoring locations. Include <br /> a legend for all symbols depicted. <br /> 8<ie Addre==-s C—1y 3AS&LICUCR 1d470 CAM&RiCGE Rd Lk?HCP.CA <br /> S X R F . - . . . - - . <br /> $7DIa <br /> 3 F X F X F <br /> S S E x <br /> LDSL 91 <br /> . . . . . . - . - . . . - . KEY <br /> . . . . . . . _ . _ _ . . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ . .xPIFL;G . . . . . . . . . . . . . F=FILL5 <br /> Drawvtzafpiping . . . . . V=A'-3POR <br /> =�lt of sump and . . . . . . . . . . P=PRQBE <br /> LDC'a.Nu . . . . . . . . L=Turbm,-Leak Detector <br /> underprowad X=SLA[F SENSOR <br /> dratvmg L . . . . . . . _ . . _ .. _ S=Brine Seosar <br /> accurate,ive - - , - - - - , - - .. - . . - . - - - . . - - . - . . 5=Smart Sensor <br /> cannot ipecuiata C=Fiosa&C&aim <br /> bke prl=- <br /> F=E Stop <br /> —t - A*7tenr rndngrmo dYkd m-e nd irsr Wa Yo Jw cw76rng Yeciomwn as a <br /> prqriassicn%lofimonopi�-arefmaso-ethfor jY1ormWrornlpwpx�u. Drmiarg <br /> M1 Ya Bede <br /> date map was dravin:12+22+241 <br /> Instructions <br /> If you already have a diagrwn that shows al required infarmaticn-you may include H.rather Shan this page,with your Monitoring System CeOcation. On your--&plan, <br /> show tide general layout of tanks and piping. Giearly idenfdy loeatoo-ras of ihefollowing equi_ement,rf installed:mon�rarg syshvn cewetrol panels;sensors manitorirrg tank <br /> annular spaces,sumps,dispenser pans,spill containers,or other secondary confainmert areas-mechartical or ete'drnnic line leak detedors;and in-tank liquid levet <br /> probes t'rf used for kik dmection). In the space provided,note the date this Site Plan was prepared. <br /> Page 6 of 6 <br />