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COMMERCIAL AUTO <br /> AC 70 05 0316 <br /> covered "auto" of the private passenger type. ment manufacturer or other sources in- <br /> We will only pay for those covered "autos" for cluding non-original equipment manu- <br /> which you carry Comprehensive or Specified facturers and <br /> Causes of Loss Coverage. We will pay for tem- b. If a repair or replacement results in bet- <br /> porary transportation expenses incurred during ter than like kind or quality, we will not <br /> the period beginning 24 hours after the theft and pay for the amount of the net improve- <br /> ending, regardless of the policy's expiration, ment. <br /> when the covered"auto"is returned to use or we 5. If we offer to pay the actual cash value of <br /> pay for its"loss". the damaged or stolen property, we will <br /> R. EXTRA EXPENSE —STOLEN AUTOS value auto advertising wraps, paint customi- <br /> The following paragraph is added to Coverage zation, and similar business related advertis- <br /> Extensions of SECTION III — PHYSICAL ing modifications, in addition to the actual <br /> DAMAGE COVERAGE: cash value of the property. Auto advertising <br /> c. We will pay for up to $5,000 for the expense wraps, paint customization, and similar <br /> of returning a stolen covered "auto" to you. business related advertising modifications <br /> We will pay only for those covered "autos" will be valued at the cost to replace them <br /> for which you carry Comprehensive or Spec- with an adjustment made for depreciation <br /> ified Causes of Loss Coverage and physical condition. <br /> S. PHYSICAL DAMAGE LIMIT OF INSURANCE T. NEW VEHICLE REPLACEMENT COST <br /> Under SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE The following is added to the Limit of Insurance <br /> COVERAGE, Paragraph C., Limit of Insurance provision of SECTION III — PHYSICAL <br /> is replaced by the following: DAMAGE COVERAGE: <br /> C. Limit Of Insurance 5. The provisions of paragraphs 1. and 3. do <br /> 1. The most we will pay for "loss" in any one not apply to a covered "auto" of the private <br /> "accident"is the lesser of: passenger type or a vehicle with a gross <br /> vehicle weight rating of 20,000 pounds or <br /> a. The actual cash value of the damaged less which is a"new vehicle." <br /> or stolen property as of the time of the In the event of a total "loss" to your new ve- <br /> "loss", or hicle to which this coverage applies, we will <br /> b. The cost of repairing or replacing the pay at your option: <br /> damaged or stolen property. a. The verifiable "new vehicle" purchase <br /> 2. $1500 is the most we will pay for "loss" in price you paid for your damaged vehi- <br /> any one "accident" to all electronic equip- cle, not including any insurance or war- <br /> ment that reproduces, receives or transmits ranties purchased; <br /> audio, visual or data signals which, at the <br /> time of"loss", is: b. If it is available, the purchase price, as <br /> negotiated by us, of a "new vehicle" of <br /> a. Permanently installed in or upon the the same make, model, and equipment <br /> covered "auto" in a housing, opening or or the most similar model available, not <br /> other location that is not normally used including any furnishings, parts, or <br /> by the "auto" manufacturer for the in- equipment not installed by the manufac- <br /> stallation of such equipment. turer or manufacturers'dealership;or. <br /> b. Removable from a permanently installed c. The market value of your damaged ve- <br /> housing unit as described in Paragraph hicle, not including any furnishings, <br /> 2.a. above or is an integral part of that parts, or equipment not installed by the <br /> equipment;or manufacturer or manufacturer's dealer- <br /> c. An integral part of such equipment. ship. <br /> 3. An adjustment for depreciation and physical We will not pay for initiation or set up costs <br /> condition will be made in determining actual associated with loans or leases <br /> cash value in the event of a total "loss". As used in this endorsement, a "new <br /> 4. The cost of repairing or replacing may: vehicle" means an "auto" of which you are <br /> a. Be based on an estimate which includes the original owner that has not been previ- <br /> parts furnished by the original equip- <br /> AC 70 05 03 16 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., Page 5 of 7 <br /> with its permission <br /> ACP BA 30-1-7734643 L4FC 17163 INSURED COPY AC7005031600 0001 47 0027107 <br />