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Wong,Jeff [EHD] <br />From: Wong,Jeff [EHD] <br />Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 8:30 AM <br />To: <br />Subject: RE: SR0082339 Highway 120 project <br />Jeremiah: <br />Please have the owner provide to EHD in writing indemnifying the EHD from liability on their letterhead and signed. The <br />letter should include what was done <br />(i.e. the amount of LL instead) vs what was required (for commercial system, minimum 50% of the existing LL is required: <br />which is 60'x3 lines = 180', therefore 50% of 180' is 90'), and that the owner is requesting a variance. The letter should <br />include that the owner is aware and accept responsibility that it does not meet EHD Standards, and will indemnify EHD <br />against any liability of failure. <br />Once I receive this letter, I can then modify the permit into a special permit and get it finaled (signed off) <br />Best Regards, <br />Jeff <br />