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Medical Waste Hauler K�Vyx e- i C'C& nc. <br /> Street Address V C) "AL12" <br /> City, ST, Zip r,A- Ok41590 <br /> I. Sterilization of Jewelry: Describe the procedure for the sterilization of jewelry prior to placing into <br /> newly pierced skin. <br /> / <br /> J. Sterilization Equipment: List the equipment used in the decontamination and sterilization room <br /> and describe the procedure for decontaminating instruments prior to placing inside the autoclave. <br /> Indicate whether instruments are manually washed or machine washed, such as with an <br /> Ultrasonic machine. Include the material used for soaking dirty instruments in the machine, <br /> such as Ter <br /> .gazyme. <br /> K. Disinfection Products: List the disinfectant products used at the body art facility. <br /> madacid-e can a cavLc—i <br /> L. Time and Temperature: List the duration of time and temperature of the autoclave required for <br /> the sterilization of clean instruments. <br /> Time XJ/ F\ <br /> Temperature <br /> Psi W /A <br /> M. Personal Protective Equipment: List the personal protective equipment used during a body art <br /> procedure. <br /> N. Handwashing Sink: List the locations of the handwash sinks and describe the items supplied at <br /> each sink. <br /> -� ocohej 6--k ivA'r <br /> 2- <br /> S�Cgnn en C�ft OAAC')n <br /> ja:RB G:\AdrninNHAZMAT\FORlVlS\lVlEDlCAL WASTE&BODY AR"ninfection Prevention and Control Plan Page 5 of 9 <br />