Laserfiche WebLink
I am aware that the result of the procedure is determined by the following: Skin Characteristics - i.e. <br /> dry/oily/sun damaged, natural skin undertones, alcohol intake and smoking, a compromised immune <br /> system, post procedure care treatment. <br /> I understand that implanted pigments can turn colour or fade over time due to circumstances beyond the <br /> control of Permablend Pigments, Ever After Pigments, Evenflo Pigments, World Famous Ink, Eternal Ink <br /> or Doreme Pigments. I understand that I will need to maintain the colour with futureapplications. <br /> I have been advised that upon completion of the procedure there may be swelling and redness of the <br /> skin, which will subside within 1-4 days depending on lifestyle. In some cases, bruising can occur. I have <br /> been advised that I can resume normal activities immediately following the procedure however, using <br /> cosmetics, prolonged exposure to water, excessive perspiration and exposure to the sun should be <br /> limited for up to 2 weeks following the infusion process. <br /> I understand that immediately after the procedure the enhancement can be 50% darker than the desired <br /> result and can take between 4-10 days to lighten. I understand that the true colour will be visible 6-8 <br /> weeks after each application, and that the colour may vary according to skin tones, skin type, age and <br /> skin conditions. I appreciate that some skins accept colour more readily than others and no guarantee of <br /> an exact effect or colour can be given. <br /> I am aware that if I have had a previous outbreak of cold sores/herpes and receive a lip enhancement I <br /> may have an outbreak again following the procedure. I have been made aware that anti-herpes <br /> medication is available over the counter or on prescription and has been shown to prevent or minimize <br /> such outbreaks. I understand that it is MY responsibility to obtain a prescription from a doctor for fever <br /> blister medication to help an outbreak. <br /> I am aware that if I have had a previous eye disorder or eye infection and receive an eyelash <br /> enhancement, the disorder may reoccur again. I agree to use the correct medication to prevent such a <br /> disorder from recurring. I am aware that even though my vision is not affected by permanent cosmetic eye <br /> enhancements, I may wish to have someone drive me home. <br /> I understand that I may experience dry lips for up to 2 weeks following permanent cosmetic lip. If I am <br /> also a tobacco user, I understand that the healing process may be negatively affected and I may have <br /> difficulty with colour retention. I understand that I must wait one full year following any tattoo/PMU <br /> procedure before donating blood, per Red Cross guidelines. I agree to inform my doctor of my permanent <br /> cosmetic enhancement if I require an MRI scan within a 3-month period of receiving the procedure. <br /> I agree to follow all pre-procedure instructions as provided and explained to me by the practitioner. I <br /> understand that infection and possible scarring can occur if I do not adhere to the said instructions. <br /> To my knowledge I do not have any physical, mental or medical impairment or disability that might affect <br /> my well being as a direct or indirect result of my decision to have the procedure done at this time. I am at <br /> least 18 years old. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. <br /> CONTRAINDICATIONS <br /> • Hemophilia (bleeder's disease) yes❑ no❑ <br /> • Diabetes 11 yes❑ no❑ <br /> • HepatitisA.B.C.D.E.F yes❑ no❑ <br />