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The following is an itemized list of aboveground petroleum storage act violations that <br /> have not been addressed for MCLANE FOODSERVICE DISTRIBUTION as of April <br /> 06, 2021. <br /> Open violations from January 09, 2019 inspection <br /> Violation #711 - Failed to perform scheduled tank tests or inspections by appropriately qualified personnel . <br /> The two 15 , 000 gallon diesel tanks were not tested on schedule by qualified personnel . The SPCC plan calls for a <br /> certified STI SP-001 integrity inspection "as soon as possible" since the tanks could not be dated . The SPCC plan <br /> or the inspection checklists in th eSPCC plan do not address the inspection of interstitial space of double walled <br /> tanks , as required by SP -001 inspection checklists . Each aboveground container shall be tested and inspected for <br /> integrity on a regular schedule and whenever repairs are made . The qualifications of personnel performing tests <br /> and inspections , frequency and type of testing and inspections that take into account container size , configuration , <br /> and design shall be determined in accordance with industry standards . Examples of these integrity tests include , <br /> but are not limited to : visual inspection , hydrostatic testing , radiographic testing , ultrasonic testing , acoustic <br /> emissions testing , or other systems of non-destructive testing . Comparison records and other records of <br /> inspections and tests must be maintained on site . Immediately conduct the necessary testing and submit a copy of <br /> the test results to the EHD , or provide equivalence as allowed by CFR 112. 7 (a ) (2 ) . <br /> ❑ This violation was corrected ❑ This violation will be corrected by ( date) : <br /> ❑ Supporting documents included <br /> Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation : <br /> Page 1 of 1 <br />