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itiia SAN JOAQUIN <br />/ <br />—COUNTY— <br />Greotness rirowc here <br />WASTE DISCHARGE/SPILL RESPONSE <br />NOTICE TO ABATE <br />Responsible Party: TRACY WATER TREATMENT - (PRIMARY) <br /> Date: Jan 27, 2021 <br />RP Mailing Address: 3900 HOLLY DR <br /> Record ID#: COVV7NCVWX <br />TRACY, CA 95304- Program Element: 2546 <br />Spill Location: 3900 HOLLY DR, TRACY <br /> Release/Spill Response (excluding Joint Team) <br /> <br />NATURE OF WASTE DISCHARGE/WASTE RELEASE: <br />2400 pounds of 19% liquid ammonia released. <br /> <br />OBSERVATIONS: <br />Arrived on site with Haza Saeed (Lead Sr. REHS). Met with Aloke Vaid (Operations Superintendent) and Deborah DeWolf <br />(Administrative Technician). Spill is believed to have occurred at approximately 6:30 pm on 1/26/2021 when a ladder fell <br />onto the pipe due to the high storm winds. Leak was discovered when operator noticed ammonia smell in the area. Pipe <br />where leak occurred was located between the ammonia tank and the shed with the pump. Broken pipe has been repaired. <br />Ammonia flowed onto ground in a southwest direction. Two puddles of clear liquid were observed approximately 15 feet <br />from the leaking pipe. No smell of ammonia was detected in the area. Haza Saeed used an ammonia detector while on <br />site. No ammonia was detected by the equipment while on site. Puddles were approximately 5x5 feet in size. pH was <br />taken of both puddles. pH result was 7-8 for both puddles. The heavy rains caused the ammonia to flow to the storm drain <br />approximately 100 feet away and east of theoriginal leak. No ammonia detected in area of the storm drain. Storm drain <br />leads to a pump. The pump leads to the retention pond. The retention pond is approximately ten million gallons in size. <br />Retention pond did not appear to be lined. No ammonia detected in the area of the retention pond. At least 25 ducks/geese <br />were observed on the retention pond. Incident investigation by responsible party has already been started. Per, Aloke Vaid, <br />water in retention pond will be tested prior to discharge. SJC EHD requested responsible party to notify Regional Water <br />Board of release. <br />City of Tracy to provide SJC EHD with a copy of the completed incident investigation report. City of Tracy to make a <br />hazardous waste determination for the contents of the retention pond and provide copies to SJC EHD prior to discharge. <br /> <br />VIOLATIONS: <br />Discharge of any waste, including sewage <br />(CA Health and Safety Code 5411) <br />0 Discharge of waste or sewage to water or within 150 ft. of waterway <br />(SJC Ordinance Code Sections 9-1125.3, 9-1125.4) <br />Improper disposal of a hazardous waste <br />(CA Health and Safety Code 25189.5) <br />0 Permitting or Maintaining a Nuisance <br />(SJC Ordinance Code Section 8-5100) <br />Other Violation <br /> <br />1CORRECTIVE ACTIONS / ORDER: <br />Environmental Health Department <br />WASTE DISCHARGE/SPILL RESPONSE NOTICE TO ABATE EHD 25-01 Rev. 9/16/2020 Page 1 of 2 <br />1868 E. HazeIton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 I T 209 468-3420 I F 209 464-0138 I