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eo°"axq� <br /> Panel ��ry�' cad HIBACiII•SAN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - CO2 System <br /> PANDAINN <br /> RESTAURANT GROUP, INC. 's•wtt ,�, <br /> Question Answer <br /> 1. What is the purpose and component of CO2 tank system? It stores and delivers carbon dioxide to the drink system. <br /> 2. How can the CO2 tank be hazardous? Any damage to the tank could cause carbon dioxide gas leak,which can be harmful to the health and safety of you <br /> and your guests. <br /> 3.Why do we need to file the HMBP(Hazardous Materials To make known to the First Responder(emergency response team)what kind of hazardous materials we store and <br /> Business Plan)with the local government? use on the premise. <br /> It is required by the State Law. <br /> 4.How do you detect gas leak? When you hear the hissing noise from the tank. <br /> When you see ice/frost continuously on the tank. <br /> The entire tank frosts. <br /> If the store has a CO2 detector,it will sound or flash. <br /> 5. If there is a major gas leak,what would you do? Notify your manager on duty at the store. <br /> Evacuate area immediately,including Associates and guests. <br /> Ventilate area by opening the back door&front door. <br /> Call 24 hour CO2 vendor's Service Center. <br /> Call 911. <br /> 6. How do you prevent a gas leak? Make sure the tank is secured to the wall or bolted on the ground. <br /> Check if the tank area is clear and clean. <br /> Daily inspection of the equipment. If the gauge shows low pressure level or the Carbonator is malfunctioning, <br /> report to manager on duty and call 24 hour vendor's Service Center. <br /> 7.What kind of symptoms would you have if you are over Rapid breathing,Headache,Drowsiness,Dizziness,Shortness of Breath,Muscular Weakness,Ringing in the Ears. <br /> exposed to CO2 gas? <br /> Possible loss of Consciousness or Death. <br /> 8.How is the cold gas or frost that may build up on the CO2 Frostbite on skin,if you touch it. <br /> tank a hazard to your skin? <br /> 9.Where can you find the following: 1)Panda Express In the cabinet of the Manager's work station. <br /> Procedure,SDS,Hazcom Binder and 2)Workplace Safety <br /> Binder? <br /> 10. Where do you store your CO2 Tank Hazardous Materials It is to be stored the Workplace Safety Binder for 3 years. <br /> Business Plans(HMBP)and for how long does it need to be <br /> kept in your store? <br /> 11.Where is the nearest medical facility for medical care in It is listed in the Emergency Response and Contingency Plan in the Hazardous Materials Business Plan package <br /> case of an emergency? stored in the Workplace Safety Binder. <br />