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INTRODUCTION <br /> Mr. Ahmed Hussein, Command Sergeant Major(Ret.)United States Army, is proposing to <br /> construct an Ag Building, an Abattoir and livestock holding pens on property he owns at 7300 <br /> West Delta Ave. in Tracy CA. <br /> The San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department(EHD) is requiring a Manure <br /> Management Plan(MMP)regarding the on-site animals. Mr. Dylan Wooten of Schack& <br /> Company had submitted an MMP to EHD dated August 8, 2019 with the Manure Animal <br /> Facility Manure/Solid Waste Management Plan Guidance Document. This document was <br /> completed by the Applicant,Mr. Hussein. <br /> The EHD responded with a clarification letter,dated September 3, 2019. My document <br /> addresses these questions and provides additional information. The answers below correspond <br /> with the numbered question on the EHD document. <br /> 1. The livestock will be mostly confined to pens. However, goats, sheep, and particularly cattle <br /> may be grazed in fenced-in pasture land on Parcel 213-020-38, which is 36.46 acres. It is <br /> anticipated to use 35.0 of these 36.46 acres for cropland production. <br /> 2. Pasture grazing will be dependant on the stage of growth of the crop being grown. Grazing <br /> may occur near or at crop maturity. Total animals are between 5-20 cows, 20-50 goats, 20-50 <br /> sheep/lamb and approx. 3,000 chickens. The chickens will be housed in environmental houses, <br /> whereby manure drops to the ground and is then raked up. <br /> 3. Manure from all animal types will be raked up from the pens and stored in holding bins. <br /> Proper pest control will be implemented if needed. When manure can be spread on the cropland, <br /> it will be loaded into a manure spreader pulled by a tractor to be equally deposited on the <br /> cropland and then incorporated into the soil by discing. Preferably, manure incorporation will <br /> occur immediately prior to crop planting so that the plants can uptake nutrients from the manure, <br /> especially nitrogen. Manure deposited from pastured animals will not be raked up. If pens are <br /> used in the pasture,an assessment will be made as to manure accumulation. Penned areas within <br /> open pasture must be rotated when manure accumulation is observed. <br /> 4. Crops planted will consist of grain-type plants such as rye, oats, wheat, and orchard grass. <br /> 5. Severe weather conditions during the winter may warrant adjustments in circulating animals <br /> from pens to pasture. However, animal populations will be much lower during the winter <br /> months, thus making animal housing management easier than the remaining months of the year <br /> when the weather is favorable. <br /> 6. Feeding will be conducted by hand. Feed will be in bulk containers (e.g., bags,totes,plastic <br /> drums,etc.)which will be stored in a locked sea container. <br /> Page -- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />