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k" KLEINFELDER <br /> the affected crew members. This requirement is included in the complete field health and safety <br /> plan developed for the project prior to the start of field work. <br /> B-2.3 Collection of Soil Samples <br /> Soil samples are collected approximately every 5 to 10 feet for field screening and logging. <br /> Samples are collected by advancing the boring to a point immediately above the desired <br /> sampling depth and then driving (vertical borings) or pushing (slant borings) a 2-inch diameter <br /> Modified California Split-Spoon Sampler, lined with three 6-inch long brass tubes, into the <br /> undisturbed soil. The sampler is then removed from the bottom of the boring. The ends of the <br /> bottom (third) tube are covered with Teflon and sealed with tight fitting plastic caps. <br /> Each sample is individually labeled. The label includes Kleinfelder's name,job number, the date <br /> and time the sample was collected, the employee number of the individual who performed the <br /> sampling, and a unique five-digit sample identification number. <br /> B-2.4 Hydropunch Groundwater Sampling <br /> Hydropunch is a method to collect representative groundwater samples from boreholes without <br /> the need to install monitoring wells. This method is usually used as an exploration tool for <br /> screening groundwater quality and reducing the number of wells needed at a site. <br /> A boring is drilled to the desired sampling depth, usually to the top of the groundwater surface, <br /> using hollow stem augers. The Hydropunch system, consisting of a steel drive point attached to <br /> a stainless steel barrel with an internal PVC slotted screen, is driven 2 to 3 feet past the bottom of <br /> the boring into the uppermost water bearing zone. The barrel is connected to the surface using <br /> clean, 2-inch diameter hollow steel rods. The barrel is then pulled back 1 to 2 feet exposing the <br /> internal PVC screen to the soil. Groundwater then enters the barrel through the screen under <br /> hydrostatic pressure and is brought to the surface with a clean, Teflon or stainless steel bailer. <br /> The samples are immediately labeled and placed in an iced sample container. <br /> Equipment used for Hydropunch sampling is decontaminated prior to use at each sampling <br /> location by steam cleaning, or by scrubbing in a trisodium phosphate or non-phosphate detergent <br /> wash followed by a distilled water rinse. <br /> C20-3978-03.MTG/2002P134 Page B-2 <br /> Copyright 2002,Kleinfelder,Inc. April 29,2002 <br />