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I. 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />This report presents results from the limited soil and groundwater investigation as detailed in <br />Kleinfelder's approved revised workplan dated May 23, 2003. The revised workplan included <br />the installation of three groundwater monitoring wells, sampling and analyzing groundwater <br />samples from the monitoring wells and domestic well on site, collecting and analyzing shallow <br />soil samples from eight locations on the site, and conducting a geophysical survey for the <br />possible presence of underground storage tanks (USTs). <br />Three monitoring wells and eight shallow soil borings were advanced on the site. The three <br />groundwater monitoring wells were installed on November 25, 2003. The monitoring wells were <br />designated MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3; and the eight soil borings were designated B-1 through B-8. <br />(see Plate 3). Groundwater samples were collected from the three monitoring wells and the <br />domestic water supply well on site on December 2, 2003, and a geophysical survey was completed <br />in the area of the suspected UST(s) on November 19, 2003. <br />The groundwater flow direction was calculated to be towards the northwest with a gradient of 0.001 <br />feet/foot. <br />Kleinfelder collected shallow soil samples from the eight locations designated as the vehicle <br />parking areas, ground surface depression near the eastern edge of the site where stormwater <br />runoff concentrates, in areas of former above ground storage tanks (ASTs), tank wash out area, <br />and the residence leach field. Additionally, soil samples were collected during the advancement <br />of the soil borings for the installation of the monitoring wells on site. <br />The results of the shallow soil sampling and analyses conducted from the various portions of the <br />site showed low concentrations of 4,4-DDD, 4,4-DDE, 4,4-DDT, Dieldrin, and Oryzalin. <br />Additionally, The soil samples collected from the borings advanced for the monitoring wells <br />showed low concentrations of 4,4-DDD, 4,4-DDE, 4,4-DDT, Dieldrin, and Endosulfan I. Each <br />noted constituent from within the monitoring well soil borings diminished in concentration with <br />depth, many to non-detectable concentrations. There were no detectable pesticides, Carbamates, or <br />organophosphates in MW-3 soil samples. The metals analyses of each of the soil samples showed <br />each metal included for analyses to be below the Preliminary Remediation Goals PRGs and/or <br />within the range of naturally occurring background concentrations in California with the exception <br />of arsenic, which concentrations in the shallow soil samples exceeded the cancer end point PRG of <br />0.39 mg/kg but did not exceed the non-cancer end point PRG of 22 mg/kg. All of the reported <br />concentrations were below the respective residential PRGs for the additional noted constituents. <br />The results of the soil samples for fertilizer constituents showed relatively higher concentrations <br />(compared to the other soil samples collected and analyzed at the site) of TKN and nitrate as NO3 in <br />the soil samples collected from near the tank washout and rinseate collection sump/tank (B-1), <br />former fuel above ground storage tank (B-7), and below the tank washout concrete pad (B-8). The <br />concentrations of TKN ranged from 500 mg/kg (B-1-1') to 3,600 mg/kg (B-1-1'). The <br />concentrations of nitrate as NO3 ranged from 80 mg/kg (B-1-1') to 460 mg/kg (B-8-3'). <br />27125.E01 /STO4R181 <br />Page 1 of 23 <br />© 2004 Kleinfelder, Inc. February 13, 2004 <br />KLEINFELDER 2825 East Myrtle Street, Stockton, CA 95205-4794 (209) 948-1345 (209) 948-0621 fax