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Project No. 014-13157 <br />Page No. 2 <br />soil because it volatilizes upon contact with soil. According to the Formaldehyde Council', Formaldehyde <br />does not accumulate in the environment either, because it is broken down within a few hours by sunlight or <br />by bacteria present in soil or water. Based on the low concentrations detected in soil and the fact that the <br />concentrations do not exceed the established regulatory screening level (USEPA RSL), it does not appear <br />that formaldehyde poses a significant risk to the environment in the areas sampled. <br />Elevated concentrations of TPH-d and TPH-mo appeared to be localized in the soil/debris mounds and <br />former wood and metal debris area along the west central portion of the subject site. The only composite <br />sample (S26, S27, S28, and S29) concentrations that exceeded the ESLs for TPH-d and TPH-mo were <br />located near the western property line (see Figure 2). Although TPH-d and TPH-mo were detected in <br />discrete soil sample S-29A, the concentrations were well below those of the soil sample that composed the <br />composite sample S26, S27, S28. Thus, it appears that the elevated concentrations of TPH-d and TPH-mo <br />were localized in the area of composite sample S26, S27, S28. Krazan recommended that additional soil <br />samples be completed in this area to determine the vertical extent of TPH-d and TPH-mo impacted soil. <br />However, the client stated that they did not want to conduct additional soil sampling, but instead indicated <br />their desire to move forward with a limited excavation remedial approach in the area of composite sample <br />S26, S27, S28. <br />PHASE II EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES <br />General Site Work <br />A Site Health & Safety Plan (SHSP) was updated to accompany the field activities conducted at <br />the site. The SHSP identified potential safety hazards to personnel working at the site. <br />A geophysical subcontractor was used to clear the proposed excavation area of subsurface utilities. <br />The proposed excavation area was marked in advance and USA North was notified, as required, so <br />the member utility companies can mark their facilities within pertinent public rights-of-way and <br />utility easements prior to our proceeding with the excavation program proposed herein. <br />Remedial Excavation <br />On May 1, 2014, Krazan's subcontractor, Williams Excavation of Fresno, California, completed <br />an approximate 50 feet x seven (7) feet x two (2) feet deep excavation in the area of composite <br />sample S26, S27, S28. Excavation was conducted using a Bobcat excavator. <br />Six (6) confirmation soil samples, EX-1 through EX-6, were collected from the bottom and <br />sidewalls of the excavation. The confirmation soil samples were analyzed for TPH-d and TPH-mo <br />by EPA Method 8015C. <br />The SJCEHD was on-site during excavation and confirmation sampling activities. — , <br />Photographs of the excavation are included in Appendix B. <br />The resulting exaction was backfilled using clean fill soil and was compacted to meet minimum <br />engineering standards. <br />2 Formaldehyde Council, Formaldehyde: Facts and Background Information, November 2007, <br />http://formaldehydefacts.orgi_base/pdf/fact_sheets/11_01_07-FormadehydeFactsandBackgroundInformation.pdf <br />KRAZAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />With Offices Serving the Western United States <br />Phase!! LSA - 014-13157 Excavation Report F1NAL.docx <br />i\it, stA lvtcvli <br />ev` <br />/ del)