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Phase II Limited Subsurface Investigation Proposed Scope of Work November 27, 2017 <br />Country Club Blvd. / 295950 Stockton California Page 2 <br />The Phase II limited subsurface investigation scope of work will include the advancement of six (6) soil <br />borings. Please note that any vehicles, trailers, equipment, or other obstructions will need to be removed <br />from the boring locations in advance by others prior to the scheduled dated of the Phase II field work. The <br />borings will be advanced in the proposed location of the proposed new tower (1 boring) equipment cabinet <br />(2 borings), along the utility easement (3 borings). No borings will be advanced beyond the boundaries of <br />the Subject Property in any type of right-of-way. <br />A direct-push sampling rig will be utilized to advance the soil borings. The boring in the location of the <br />proposed tower will be advanced to a depth of 28 feet or equipment refusal, whichever is encountered first. <br />One groundwater sample (if encountered) and two soil samples will be collected from the boring advanced <br />in the location of the proposed tower. In the event that ground water is encountered, it will be sampled via <br />low-flow methods so as not to artificially increase the concentration of contaminant (especially metals) due <br />to turbidity. One soil sample will be collected from the 0-5 feet bgs interval, with a second discrete soil <br />sample obtained between 5 and 28 feet bgs. The deeper soil sample interval selected for laboratory analysis <br />will be based upon the following: overt evidence of contamination (staining or odors) and/or, location relative <br />to the groundwater interface. For the deep sample, the soil sample across the water table is proposed to <br />be submitted for laboratory analysis. <br />The borings in the locations of the equipment cabinet and utility routes will be advanced to depths of four <br />feet and one composite soil sample will be collected from each boring. <br />The soil/groundwater samples collected will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) full carbon <br />chain via EPA Method 8015, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) via EPA Method 8260, and polycyclic <br />aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) via EPA Method 8270. The standard laboratory turnaround time (TAT) is 5 <br />business days. <br />A Phase II Limited Subsurface Investigation Summary Letter, summarizing the subsurface investigation and <br />information obtained therein, will be prepared. The report will present a summary of the investigative <br />methods used, the findings, a table of analytical results, laboratory data sheets and sample chain-of-custody <br />documentation, a boring log, conclusions regarding the presence or absence of a release or threat of release <br />of hazardous materials and/or petroleum products, and recommendations for further actions, if warranted. <br />Attachments: Proposed Boring Location Map <br />RECEIVED <br />DEC 05 2017 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH <br />DEPARTNIENT