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SAN JOAQUIN <br />'JNTY— <br />Environmental Health Department <br />Swimming Pool Official Inspection Report <br />Facility Name and AddressORCHARD RV PARK, 2701 E HWY 132 . VERNALIS 95385 <br />#8 Pool and Deck <br />OBSERVATIONS: The pool light is not functioning. Repair/replace pool light by 1 week. <br />Until the pool light is functioning properly, do not allow swimming after dark <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pools used at night shall be equipped with underwater light fixtures that provide complete illumination of the <br />pool. When a pool is used at night pool deck and emergency egress areas shall be provided with lighting. If underwater or deck lighting is <br />not operational, the pool operator shall post a sign in4-inch letters stating "NO USE OF POOL ALLOWED AFTER DARK" and shall <br />secure the pool area and not permit any use of the pool after dark. (3115B) <br />#13 Cyanuric Acid Concentration <br />OBSERVATIONS: The CYA level of the pool is greater than 100 ppm. Reduce CYA to less than 100 ppm. Correct ASAP. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool operator shall maintain cyanuric acid concentration between O.0 ppm and 100 ppm. (CCR 65530) <br />#16 Water Clarity <br />OBSERVATIONS: The pool water is a bit cloudy. Take action to improve the clarity of the pool water. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool operator shall maintain clear pool water while pool is in use or shall close the pool if the bottom of the <br />pool at the maximum depth is not clearly visible from the deck. (CCR 65527) <br />#22 Skimmer Assembly <br />OBSERVATIONS: The skimmer lacks a weir door. Provide a weir door by 2 weeks. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool shall be equipped to provide continuous skimming of the pool water. All parts of the skimmer shall be <br />maintained in accordance with manufacturerspecifications. (CBC 3136B) <br />#38 Filter Cleaning and Maintenance <br />OBSERVATIONS: The Filter may need to be cleaned. The influent pressure is 10psi and the effluent pressure is 18psi. <br />Clean filter today. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: All filters shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. (CBC 31238) Pressure gauge <br />located on the filter shall be marked with the clean startup reading. (CBC 31258) Each filter vessel shall be provided with valves so that it <br />can be isolated from the recirculation system for repairs and backwashing. (CBC 3128B) <br />OVERALL INSPECTION NOTES AND COMMENTS <br />Flaw rate: <br />80 <br />gpm <br />Chlorine: <br />0.0 <br />ppm Temp <br />0 F <br />Cyanuric acid: <br />NOTES <br />>100 <br />ppm <br />pH: <br />7.0 <br />Combined chlorine: <br />ppm <br />FA0003138 PR0360010 SCO01 07/23/2019 <br />36-01 Rev. 06/30/15 Page 2 of 3 Swimming Pool OIR <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 1 T 209 468-3420 1 F 209 464-0138 1 <br />