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OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION <br />-MATERIAL SAFETY DATA. <br />SECTION I <br />Freshly mixed unhardened concrete <br />SECTION 11 HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS <br />Mixture of Portland Cement. aggregates: Chemical and/or Mineral Admixtures <br />Portland Cement (CAS 65997-15-1) <br />3CaO-SIO2 (CAS #12168-85-3); 2Ca0-SI02 (CAS #10034-77-2) <br />3CaO-AL203 (CAS #23042-78-3): 4Ca0-AL203Fe303 (CAS #12068-35-8) <br />GaSO4ZH2O (CAS #7778-18-19); Traces of CaO. M90. K2. SO4, Na2So4 <br />Aggregates: <br />Inert rock and sand <br />Admixtures: <br />May include flash and very small amounts of organic and inorganic materials <br />which have no effect on the hazards associated with the use of the product. <br />SECTION 111 PHYSICAL DATA <br />Gray. Plowable, granular, odorless mass <br />Specific gravity 1.9 - 2.4 <br />SECTION IV FLAMMABILITY HAZARD <br />None <br />SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD <br />Can dry skin and cause alkali burn (Cement Dermatitis). Can cause eye irritation. <br />SECTION VI REACTIVITY HAZARD <br />May be corrosive to metals in plastic state. Hardens In 2-8 hours and is no longer hazardous. <br />SECTION V11 SPILL PROCEDURE <br />Contain until hardened. dispose of as common waste. <br />SECTION V111 PERSONAL PROTECTION <br />Use barrier creams. gloves, boots and clothing to protect skin from prolonged contact. <br />Wash with soap and water to avoid possible cement burns. Irrigate eyes with clean water. <br />