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SAN JOAQUIN Environmental Health Department <br /> COU CITYaslm �v <br /> FEl [reotness qrows Frere, <br /> Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act Inspection Report <br /> Facility Name: Facility Phone: Date: <br /> Eleventh Street Chevron (209)832-5006 June 28,2021 <br /> Facility Address: CERS ID: <br /> 7501 W ELEVENTH ST,Tracy, CA 95304 10509463 <br /> Inspection Contact: Title: Phone: <br /> Debbie Jutla Owner (209)832-5006 <br /> Inspection Type: Program: <br /> ROUTINE INSPECTION-Operating Permit 12832-ASTFAC 10 K-</=100 K GAL CUMULATIVE <br /> Consent For: Consent Given By: <br /> ❑x Ins ection ❑x Photos ❑x Sam les I Debbie Jutla, Owner <br /> CCR=California Code of Regulations HSC=Health and Safety Code CFR=Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations <br /> V=Violation R=Repeat violation COS=Corrected on site during inspection <br /> Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act <br /> 101 HSC 25270.6(b) Failed to pay APSA program annual fees ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 102 HSC 25270.4.5(a) Failed to prepare a written SPCC Plan in accordance with CFR Part 112 ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 103 HSC 25270.6(a) Failed to file HMBP or annual facility tank statement ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 104 HSC 25270.8 Failed to report spills or releases of 42 gallons(one barrel)or more ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 105 CFR 112.1(b)(3),112.2 Failure to properly close tanks when making a claim of permanently closed ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 106 HSC 25404.1.2 Failed to submit a certification and written response within 30 days for minor violations ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 107 HSC 25270.2(a)(4) Failure to prepare SPCC plan when facility no longer meets oil-filled electrical equipment exclusion ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 108 HSC 25270.4.5(a) Failure of conditionally exempt facility to conduct inspections or install secondary containment ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 109 HSC 25270.2(o)(1)(C) Failure to have secondary containment and/or leak detection if TIUGA piping cannot be viewed ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> (iv)(III) <br /> 110 HSC 25404(e)(4) Failed to report program data in the California Environmental Reporting System(CERS) ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 111 HSC 25270.2(a)(8) Failure of a TIUGA with less than 55 gallons capacity to have secondary containment and a log ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 112 CFR 112.20(e) Failure to complete and maintain a Substantial Harm Criteria certification ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> Requirement to Prepare and Implement a SPCC Plan <br /> 201 CFR 112.3(d) Failure to have a licensed PE properly review and certify the SPCC plan ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 202 CFR 112.3(e)(1) Failed to maintain a copy of the Plan on site ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 203 CFR 112.3 Failure to implement the SPCC Plan ■V ■R ❑COS <br /> 204 CFR 112.3(g) Failure to prepare SPCC Plan when facility no longer meets Qualified Facility criteria ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 205 CFR 112.3,112.6 Failure to prepare SPCC Plan that meets all applicable requirements ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 206 CFR 112.3(d)(1) Failure of owner to assure that the PE makes all required attestations in the Plan ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> Amendment of SPCC Plan by Owners or Operators <br /> 301 CFR 112.5(a) Failed to amend Plan as necessary ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 302 CFR 112.5(b) Failed to review Plan once every five years and/or implement any resulting amendments ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 303 CFR 112.5(c) Failed to have a PE certify technical amendments ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 304 CFR 112.5(a),112.5(b) Failure to implement SPCC plan amendments within 6 months ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> Qualified Facility-Tier I <br /> 401 CFR 112.6(a),112.6(b) Tier I Qualified Facility Plan not certified by the owner or a PE ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 402 CFR 112.6(a)(2) Owner of Tier I Qualified Facility failed to self certify technical amendment ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> 403 CFR 112.6(a)(3)(i) Plan failed to predict direction/rate of flow/total quantity of oil potentially discharged ❑V ❑R ❑COS <br /> FA0022384 PR0539001 SCO01 06/28/2021 <br /> EHD 28-01 Rev.9/16/2020 Page 1 of 11 Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act OIR <br /> 1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 1 T 209 468-3420 1 F 209 464-0138 1 <br />