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CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br /> PA-1900194 <br /> SUKHDEV SINGH <br /> A one-year Time Extension for Site Approval application No. PA-1900194 was approved by the San <br /> Joaquin County Community Development Department on September 30, 2021. The effective date of <br /> approval is October 10, 2021.This approval will expire on January 26, 2020, which is 30 months from <br /> the initial effective date of approval, unless(1)all Conditions of Approval have been complied with,(2) <br /> all necessary building permits have been secured and remain in force, and (3) all necessary permits <br /> from other agencies have been secured and remain in force. <br /> Unless otherwise specified, all Conditions of Approval and Ordinance requirements shall be fulfilled <br /> prior to the establishment of the use and the issuance of any building permits. Those Conditions <br /> followed by a Section Number have been identified as Ordinance requirements pertinent to this <br /> application. Ordinance requirements cannot be modified, and other Ordinance requirements may <br /> apply. <br /> 1. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (Contact: [209]468-3121) <br /> a. BUILDING PERMIT: Submit an "APPLICATION-GRADING BUILDING PERMIT." The Site Plan <br /> required as part of the building permit must be prepared by a registered civil engineer or licensed <br /> architect. This Plan must show drainage, driveway access details including gates, on-site parking, <br /> landscaping, signs, existing and proposed utility services, and grading (refer to the "SITE PLAN <br /> CHECKLIST"for details).A fee is required for the Site Plan review. (Development Title Section 9-884) <br /> b. APPROVED USE: This approval is for the parking of 1 truck and 2 trailers only, as shown on the site <br /> plan dated August 22, 2019 (Use Type: Agricultural truck parking-accessory use to a primary <br /> residential use). <br /> c. OWNER-OPERATOR: The property shall contain the residence of the owner-operator of the trucks <br /> (Development Title Section 9-605.6(f)(3). <br /> d. EMPLOYEES: No employees, other than members of the owner-operator's immediate family, are <br /> allowed in the agricultural truck parking operation (Development Title Section 9-605.6(f)(4). <br /> e. ACCESS AND CIRCULATION: The following requirements apply and shall be shown on the <br /> Improvement Plan: <br /> 1. The design of the driveway shall be such as to allow the truck to enter and exit the property without <br /> entering into the opposing lane of traffic. <br /> 2. Off-street parking shall be provided and comply with the following: <br /> A. The first 100 feet of the driveway and maneuvering area shall be paved and permanently <br /> maintained to provide a durable dust free surface. All other areas that are used for vehicular <br /> traffic shall be surfaced and permanently maintained with chip seal or aggregate base. <br /> (Development Title Section 9-1015.5[e][2]a).The minimum driveway width shall be 20 feet. <br /> f. BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS:The following California Building Code (CBC)and San Joaquin <br /> County Ordinance requirements will be applicable to the proposed project. The following conditions <br /> shall be addressed prior to submittal for a building permit application to the Building Inspection Division: <br /> 1. A grading permit will be required for this project. Submit plans and grading calculations, including <br /> a statement of the estimated quantities of excavation and fill, prepared by a Registered Design <br /> Professional. The grading plan shall show the existing grade and finished grade in contour <br /> PA-1900194—Conditions of Approval 1 <br />