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SAN J O A Q U I N Environmental Health Department <br />--COUNTY-- <br />(jt¢Otn¢SS Time ln: +4a_� <br />Uup <br />Time Out: 9On pm <br />Swimming Pool Official Inspection Report <br />Name of Facility: LANDMARK PLACE APARTMENTS <br />Date: 06/24/2020 <br />Address: 201 E GRANT LINE RD, TRACY 95376 <br />Owner/Operator: DRAKE, ROBERT <br />Telephone: (209) 836-5366 <br />Program Element: 3611 - PUBLIC POOUSPA - PRIMARY <br />Inspection Type: ROUTINE INSPECTION - Operating Permit <br />VIOLATIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS <br />Items listed on this report as violations do not meet the requirements set forth in the California Health and Safety Code section(s) 116043, 116040, 8 <br />116050. All violations must be corrected within specified tlmeframe. Violations that are classed as "MAJOR" pose an immediate threat to public health <br />and must be corrected immediately or be subject to closure pursuant to California Code of Regulations (title 22) section 65545. <br />#8 Pool and Deck Lighting <br />OBSERVATIONS: The light is currently not operational and manager states it is never in use. Provide documentation that a <br />certified electrician has removed all power from the light source and provide a sign stating no swimming after dark. Correct <br />immediately. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pools used at night shall be equipped with underwater light fixtures that provide complete illumination of the <br />pool. When a pool is used at night, pool deck and emergency egress areas shall be provided with lighting. If underwater or deck lighting is <br />not operational, the pool operator shall post a sign in 4 -inch letters stating "NO USE OF POOL ALLOWED AFTER DARK" and shall <br />secure the pool area and not permit any use of the pool after dark. (3115B) <br />#17 Cleanliness of Pool <br />OBSERVATIONS: Pool contains debris accumulation on the bottom of the pool and debris floating on top. Remove all <br />debris to ensure pool is clean and clear. Correct immediacy. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool operator shall maintain clean pool water while the pool is in use and shall not allow debris to accumulate <br />in the pool. Pool operator shall clean the bottom, sides, and other surfaces of the pool as often as necessary to keep pool surfaces clean <br />and free of slime and algae. (CCR 65533) <br />#22 Skimmer Assembly <br />OBSERVATIONS: The weir door was correctly broken during the time of the inspection. Ensure all skimmer parts are <br />working properly. Corrected on site. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Pool shall be equipped to provide continuous skimming of the pool water. All parts of the skimmer shall be <br />maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications. (CBC 31368) <br />#23 Pool Inlets and Outlets <br />OBSERVATIONS: Two of the pool outlets are currently missing caps. Provide caps within 7 days. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Inlet fitting shall not protrude greater than 1 inch into the pool and shall be rounded and smooth. Wall inlets <br />shall be capable of adjusting the direction of flow Each pool shall be provided with a main drain submerged suction outlet typically located <br />at the bottom of the pool. (CBC 31378) <br />FA0002998 PRO360388 SC001 06/24/2020 <br />EHD 36-01 Rev. 06/30/15 Page 1 of 2 Swmming Pool OIR <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 1 T 209 468-3420 1 F 209 464-0138 1 <br />