Laserfiche WebLink
ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION <br /> Water, Drainage and Flooding <br /> Describe any areas subject to flooding(include flood depths and flood panel map number): <br /> See attached Master Drainage Report <br /> Describe the current depth of the groundwater and depth to potable water(if groundwater is to be used): <br /> NIA <br /> Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site (e.g., rivers, creeks or drainage ditches): <br /> Mountain House Creek is adjacent to Nh L; Dry Creek runs through Nh I <br /> LAND, LAND USE AND BIOTA <br /> Describe the site's topography(e.g., land forms, slopes, etc.): <br /> Flat <br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project(type of crops, acres, quality of soil, etc.): <br /> Land has been fallow for over 20 years <br /> Describe any wildlife habitat on-site and species that are or may be present: <br /> None <br /> Describe any vegetation on-site by type and extent: <br /> None <br /> TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION <br /> Describe the amount and type of traffic that will be generated by the project: <br /> i� Proposed amendments do not result in significant changes to traffic generation <br /> AIR QUALITY <br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the project(e.g., construction related dust, vehicle trips per day, fireplaces, <br /> incinerators, etc.): <br /> See Air Quality Study from ICF <br /> Describe any hazardous materials/wastes that will be present on-site: <br /> None. See Phase 1 Environmental Study <br /> OTHER <br /> Describe any items of historical or archaeological interest on-site(e.g., cemeteries or structures): <br /> INone <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of noise or vibration(e.g., freeway noise, heavy equipment, etc.): <br /> Byron Road to the south. Noise mitigation already in existing documents will be implemented <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of light or glare(e.g.,parking lot lighting, or reflective materials used): <br /> Light from North Community Park will be mitigated after photometric analysis <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site source of odor(e.g., agricultural wastes): <br /> Mitigations are incorporated into sewer treatment plant adjacent to Nh L <br /> Describe any displacement of people that will be caused by the project(e.g., numbers of people, housing units): <br /> None; site is currently vacant <br />