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12/0/2021 13:14 Canepa a Sons <br />(FAX) <br />Srm ADoRnss: .� 3 S, ! o�!/� ,J SJf' PERMIT#t <br />P, 004/007 <br />' ' 4 t -' v <br />I, the Owner/Appllcarvl/Uo nspd Well OrillettPump Contras agrees to Indemnify, defend with counsel reasoRabty spVv ed by Coont�, and hold hermis% <br />1. <br />g. From and against ahy and 0 dolma, demands, actions, ptvcssd;ngs, lawsuits] losses, damages, judgments and/or IlabMes wising out <br />qf, related to, or to oonnedlon wfth the appfication and applied for well or pump orto attack, act aside, void, or aonilt, In whole or In pare <br />approval or dental of the applied for perrgtt by the County, and any emdronnmet�ai Wow dot uments related to the applied for palmtt <br />b. Por any and 4 costs and wzper4sa incurtrd by the County on account of any im, Mept where stxdt indemrttfie�ort is prohibited by <br />law, including but not limited to damages, costa, expenses, atturneya flea, or witness costs that 11rdy be asserted by arty person <br />or entity, private attomaygeneral fess claimed by or awarded to arty party agaln*tthe County, and the County's 00sts hmirred in prepaft <br />an adrnive record which are not paid by the petitioner. <br />C. <br />Fxccpt as to tha Countys sole negligence orwVvI m4Wndutt, I . <br />L Defense: <br />a, The County may parddpats or direct thoidefense of ony Claim, The Countys action In defense of any claim shop retiave me of v�Y <br />oblfgation to indemnify, defend, And hold harmless the County. <br />b, in the event of a d'reegrwxrent botweentCounty and me regarding defense ofiany Claim, the County shall have the authority to control <br />the lirigadon and make Agadon dt:islon�, Including, but not itmited to, the manner in which the defense is wndu� <br />If County reasonably determines that having common eounsal prevents such eounsei with a ooetR t -of interest. or if I fat to promptly assume the defense of <br />any Claim or to prompNy employ counsel reasombly sorry to the Counter, then Couribj tnay the Office of the Cormty Court, or employ *operate <br />outside counsel to represerjt or defend the County, and I shay tray the r=onable atfemeys' fees d � cf ouch cetrruel. <br />I HEREBY CEr{i1PY THAT I HAVE PwAREo THIS APPLATION AN4 'NAT THE! WORK , LL ae CONE: IN ACCORDANCE SAN JOAQUIN <br />COUNTY ORDINANCES, STATE LAWS, AND RULES Afro REGULATIONS. I ALSO CERTIF,`/ THAT MY REOUIRED LICENSE t3 CURRENT AND <br />ACM15 WITH THE CAUFORNIA CONTRACTORS STIATE LICENSE BOARD AND THAT I Aid IN COMPLIMM ALL WORKERS <br />COMPENSA N LAWS, <br />PROPERTY K: l <br />SIGN,k'rs�� r ..... >4J l PRiNr. G DAT, <br />SIGHIStem; <br />rs=v tau tr cotmucrea PRirrt': 2A .F / y 3j9 2— <br />(�¢ � � _ — UA,re fir. i <br />, I <br />A=ONION FOR OT M THAN C-57 SIGNING PERMIT APPUCATION <br />" pr�orant+�eaNcm >») harobyauthotixe,t�or�seee�aAs+W l <br />to sign this gau YcaquinlConnty W6t' & Bating Permit Application on my behaMf I uan d this utb tmton is vd I for one year end <br />is limited to the Work plaz dated oa the Avat pago of#s znUca i= <br />t. l <br />EHO 4348 <br />11(23!21 <br />