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SAN JOAQUh . _OUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEAD _ _jEPARTMENT <br />600 E. Main St. • Stockton, CA 95202-3029 • Phone (209) 468-3420 <br />Donna Heran, R.E.H.S., Director <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH <br />SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY <br />PERMIT TO OPERATE <br />Program _PerrTiI Permit <br />Record ID —Number Program Code an Description Valid <br />t0527091 O.14N LL QUANTITY HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR FACILITY 1/1/2008 To 12/31/2008 <br />In ofder to maintain the permit to operate, Hazardous Waste Generators shall comply with California Health and Safety Code, Div. 20, Chap. 6.5, Art. 2-13, <br />Sec. 25100 et seq, and Title 22, California Code of Reclulations, Chap. 20_ <br />----- -------------- ---------------------------------- - - --------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ <br />PR0523684 2300 - UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FACILITY 1/1/2008 To 12/31/2008 <br />Underground Storage Tank Program: <br />California Health and Safety Code, Div_ 20, Chap. 6.7 and Title 23, California Code of Regulations, Chap_ 16. <br />---- ---------------------------- <br />P/E Tank # Tank Record ID Perrot # Capacity Contents Permit Status System Type Leak Detection <br />2352 1 390005236840515761 PT0016114 12,000 PREMIUM UNLEADED Active, billable DOUBLE WALLED Continuous Interstitial Monitoring <br />2350 2 390005236840515762 PT0016116 8,000 DIESEL Active, billable DOUBLE WALLED Continuous Interstitial Monitoring <br />2350 3 390005236840515763 PT0016115 20,000 REGULAR UNLEADED Active, billable DOUBLE WALLED Continuous Interstitial Monitoring <br />2350 4 390005236840515764 PT0016117 20,000 DIESEL Active, billable DOUBLE WALLED Continuous Interstitial Monitoring <br />2350 5 390005236840515765 PT0016118 20,000 DIESEL Active, billable DOUBLE WALLED Continuous Interstitial Monitoring <br />Underground Storage Tank Permit Conditions <br />1) The Permit to Operate will become void if Annual Permit Fees and Service Fees are not paid and/or the UST system(s) fails to remain in compliance with these Permit Conditions. <br />2) In order to maintain the operating permit, the owner and operator shall comply with the H&S Code, Div. 20, Chap. 6.7 and 6.75; and CCR, Title 23, Chap. 16 and 18, as well as any conditions <br />established by San Joaquin County. <br />3) If the Tank Operator(s) is different from the Tank Owner, or if the Permit to Operate is issued to a person other than the owner or operator of the tank, the Permittee shall ensure that both <br />the Tank Owner and tank Operator receive a copy of the permit. <br />4) Written Monitoring Procedures and an Emergency Response Plan must be approved by the Envirorunental Health Department (EHD) and are considererd UST Permit Conditions. The approved <br />monitoring, response, and plot plans shall be maintained onsite with the permit. <br />5) The Permittee shall comply with the monitoring procedures referenced in this permit. <br />6) The Permittee shall perform testing and preventive maintenance on all leak detection monitoring equipment annually, or more frequently if specified by the equipment manufacturer, and <br />provide documentation of such servicing to this office. <br />7) In the event of a spill, leak, or other unauthorized release, the Permitee shall comply with the requirements of Title 23 CCR, Chap. 16, Art. 5, and the approved Emergency Response Plan. <br />8) Written records of all monitoring performed shall be maintained on-site by the operator and be available for inspection for a period of at least three years from the date the monitoring was <br />performed. <br />9) The EHD shall be notified of any change in ownership or operation of the UST system within 30 days of such change. <br />10) Upon any change in equipment, design or operation of the UST system (including change in tank contents or usage), the Permit to Operate will be subject to review, modification or <br />revocation. <br />1 1) Construction, repair and/or removal permits are required fron the EHD prior to any change, repair or removal of UST system equipment. <br />12) The Pennittee shall submit an annual report documenting compliance with die UST Permit Conditions within 30 days of the date of the issuance of this permit. <br />13) This Permit to Operate shall not be considered permission to violate any laws, ordinances or statutes of any other Federal, State or Local agency. <br />14) A "Conditional' Permit may be revoked if corrections specified on the inspection report are not completed by the date(s) indicated. <br />PERMITS TO OPERATE are NOT TRANSFERABLE <br />and may be SUSPENDED or REVOKED for cause. <br />PERMIT(S) Valid only for: FAST LANE CENTRAL VALLEY LLC <br />L THIS FORM MAST BE DISPLAYED CONSPICUOUSLY ON THE PREMISES <br />Regulated Facility: FAST LANE CENTRAL VALLEY LLC Facility ID FA0015977 <br />116 E ROTH RD Account ID AR0027871 <br />LATHROP CA 95330 Issued 2/8/2008 <br />Billing Address: ATTN : FAST LANE CENTRAL VALLEY LLC <br />FAST LANE CENTRAL VALLEY LLC <br />200 4TH ST 201 <br />SANTA ROSA CA 95401 <br />h67023.rpt <br />