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I investigation and/or protection of the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund. These activities <br />2 may include, but are not limited to, training State and local enforcement staff, hiring State <br />3 enforcement staff, expert witness support, and criminal investigation development and support. <br />4 (b) 1F'IVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000,00) as civil penalties to the California <br />5 Attorney General pursuant to section 17203 of the California Business and Professions Code for <br />6 alleged violations of the Unfair Competition Law, to be paid in five (5) equal installments, with <br />7 each installment made payable to "The California Department of Justice — Litigation Deposit <br />8 Fund." The payments pursuant to this paragraph shall be made in the form described, and to the <br />9 Payment Administrator designated, in Paragraph 10 below. The first payment shall be made <br />10 within thirty (30) calendar days after the entry of the Final Judgment by the Court; the second <br />11 payment shall be made no later than September 15, 2010; the third payment shall be made no <br />12 later than September 15, 2011; the fourth payment shall be made no later than September 15, <br />13 2012; and the fifth payment shall be made no later than September 15, 2013 These funds shall <br />14 be administered by the California Department of Justice, and shall be used by the Environment <br />15 Section of the Public Rights Division of the Attorney General's Office. The payment, and any <br />16 interest derived therefrom, shall solely and exclusively augment the budget of the Attorney <br />17 General's Office as it pertains to the Environment Section of the Public Rights Division and in no <br />18 manner shall supplant or cause. any reduction of any portion of the Attorney General's budget. <br />19 (c) SEVEN MILLION, EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS <br />20 ($7,800,000.00) as civil and administrative penalties to the District Attorneys and regulatory <br />21 agencies as set forth in Exhibit C hereto and in the amounts set forth therein, for alleged <br />22 violations of California statutes and regulations, payable as set forth in Paragraphs 8(c)(i) and (ii) <br />23 below, in five (5) installments, with each installment made payable to "The California <br />24 Department of Justice — Attorney General's Office" as Payment Administrator The payments <br />25 required of Defendants pursuant to this Paragraph 8(c)(i) and (ii) shall be made in the form <br />26 described, and to the Payment Administrator designated, in Paragraph 10 below Upon receipt of <br />27 each installment payment, the Payment Administrator shall promptly disburse those funds to the <br />28 appropriate offices of the District Attorneys and regulatory agencies in accordance with the <br />6 <br />Final Judgment and Injunction <br />