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Complaint Investigation Summary Report #. 5105 <br />COMPLAINT ID: COKQVSCPO Site Location: 5655 HOOD WAY <br />Activity Summary <br />Recorded by <br />VAN G-LEE <br />Activity Date <br />09/09/2021 Arrived on site at approximately 1:25am. I met with Assistant Senior Manager <br />Enrique Padilla. Per Enrique, a package handler dropped a package. The <br />package contained six one-gallon glass containers of hydrochloric acid. Per <br />Enrique, 5 of the 6 containers broke and released the hydrochloric acid onto the <br />concrete floor inside a building. Per Enrique, there were approximately 20 <br />employees in the area when the spill happened. The employees were moved to <br />the other end of the building. Enrique stated that one of their hub administrators <br />is certified in managing hazardous materials spills. This individual attempted to <br />clean the spill by applying absorbent while wearing personal protective equipment. <br />The hydrochloric acid came into contact with another unknown hazardous material <br />container that was stored on the ground. Per Enrique, they stopped cleaning <br />immediately. It was determined that the products were compatible but they <br />decided to reach out to ERTS to coordinate the clean-up. At the time of arrival, <br />Enrique did not know if a cleaning company had been hired. Enrique stated he <br />was under the impression that ETRS had hired someone. I left the site with plans <br />to issue a notice to abate, however, Enrique called shortly after I left the site to <br />inform me that Ancon would arrive at approximately 3am. Enrique called shortly <br />after I left the site to inform me that Ancon would arrive at approximately 3am. I <br />returned to the site and met with Jason Morgan of Ancon. Per Jason, the clean-up <br />will be completed within a few hours. They plan to sweep the absorbent, <br />neutralize the area with sodium bicarbonate, containerize impacted <br />boxes/packages, and leave the waste on site. Per Jason, the waste will be <br />disposed of pending profiling. I received a call from Jason confirming that <br />clean-up was completed and photos of the clean-up was received at 4:50pm. <br />(Time: 12am-3:36am, 4:50am-4:56am) <br />09/10/2021 I called FedEx Hub Manager Leti Estrada at 626-629-0620 and requested for an <br />email address. I generated an inspection report and emailed it to <br /> <br />VAN G-LEE <br />09/13/2021 Amended the inspection report to reflect correct times and emailed VANG-LEE <br /> <br />09/24/2021 I attempted to contact Hub manager Leti Estrada at 626-269-0620 but was unable VANG-LEE <br />to leave a message. I emailed to inquire about the <br />handling/disposal of the waste generated during the clean-up. <br />I received a response back from Maria Estrada <> <br />with the following message: "Hi Vicky, we are waiting on a disposition from our <br />corporate office. We are following up to get the approval to get Veiola to pick this <br />up. I will follow up with you shortly". <br />10/20/2021 The EHD received ERTS' final report on 09/29/2021. I received a copy of the VANG-LEE <br />manifest from Debra Gehnn <> on 10/07/2021. <br />Generated a complaint investigation form, emergency response record with map, <br />emergency response summary, and daily time and activity log. Abated complaint <br />and submitted packet to lead for final review. <br />12/28/2021 Corrected the 09/08/2021 daily narrative to reflect the correct time (incorrectly VANG-LEE <br />entered as 11am instead of 11pm). Reprinted the Log2 and 5105. Submitted <br />complaint documents to lead senior for final review. <br />5105. rpt <br />Page 2 of 2