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Scptembor 26, 111 5 <br />San Joaquin County <br />Planning department <br />Stockton, C A <br />RE: SU -86-1 MEETING: November 7, 1c')'5 <br />LOCATION: On the north side of Roth Road, 551' east of McKinley Avenue. <br />South of French Camp. <br />USE: To subdivide a 19.59 acres into five parts. <br />CONDITIONS: <br />1. Provide a septic system for each parcel under permit and inspection <br />of the Local Health District. <br />Z. Provide a domestic well on each parcel under permit and inspection <br />of the Local Health District. <br />Jogi Khanna, M.D., M.P.H. <br />District Health Officer <br />C. Leland Hall, Director <br />Environmental Health Division <br />CLH/AO/DY:dc <br />