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§t �to <br />cnuronnia <br />Nater Boards <br />s§-tn7li <br />GAVIN NEiwsoM <br />GOVERNOR <br />0 JARED BLUMENFELD <br />SECRETARY FOR <br />ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION <br />Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board <br />27 January 2021 <br />PUBLIC NOTICE <br />PROPOSED NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED, CHEVRON TAOC TRACY RAIL <br />YARD — OFFSITE SOUTH AREA, TRACY, SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br />To: Offsite Property Owners and Other Interested Parties, <br />This Public Notice is to inform interested parties of the Central Valley Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board's (Central Valley Water Board) consideration of closing the <br />subject case, and to request comments from interested parties regarding the proposed <br />closure of the site (Site). <br />The Site is located along North Central Avenue, in Tracy, approximately between West <br />4t" Street and 1St First Street. The Site includes historical easements for the former Old <br />Valley Pipeline (OVP) and Tidewater Associated Oil Company (TAOC) pipelines. The <br />OVP ran along the eastern boundary of the Site, and the TAOC pipelines ran along the <br />northern boundary of the Site. The OVP was installed between 1902 and 1904 and <br />carried San Joaquin Valley crude oil north from the Kern River Oil Fields to the <br />Richmond Refinery. <br />Site investigations were conducted between 2011 and 2014, which included the drilling <br />and sampling of soil borings to collect 56 soil samples and one soil vapor sample. Soil <br />samples collected from previous investigations showed evidence of petroleum <br />hydrocarbons at low concentrations. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes <br />(BTEX), and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were generally not detected, <br />although one soil sample did have a naphthalene concentration of 22 milligrams per <br />kilogram. A soil vapor probe was installed near the soil boring that contained the <br />naphthalene detection, and a soil vapor sample did not detect naphthalene. <br />In a letter dated 21 July 2015, Staff determined that the lateral extent of the <br />hydrocarbon affected soil and groundwater had been defined and additional <br />characterization was not needed. Staff requested that Chevron Environmental <br />Management Company (Chevron) submit a human health risk evaluation. <br />On 12 February 2019, Leidos, Inc. (Leidos) (Chevron's former consultant) submitted the <br />Human Health Risk Evaluation to the Central Valley Water Board staff (Staff). The risk <br />KARL E. LONGLEY SCD, P.E., CHAIR I PATRICK PULUPA, ESO., EXECUTIVE OFFICER <br />1685 E Street, Fresno, CA 93706 1 <br />