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Complaint Investigation Summary <br /> Report #: 5105 <br />COMPLAINT ID: C00052455 Site Location: 1535 E PESCADERO AVE <br />Activity Summary <br />Activity Date Recorded by <br />08/17/2020 Received an email from Jamie Haines (Safety Coordinator II MURO <br />YRC Freight) <br />Jaime Haines reported that YRC will be managing the two waste drums, <br />containing the clean-up, ppe, wood, etc., as Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste. The <br />overpacked drum with remaining hydrobromic acid is still on site pending <br />disposition from the shipper. They will provide disposal records once the waste is <br />hauled off. Jaime also provided an MSDS sheet for the spilled material, Low-Cor <br />33 Hydrobromic Acid. <br />08/17/2020 Completed narrative MURO <br />08/19/2020 Retrieved a voice mail message left on my cell phone by Isabella Bencomo with <br /> <br />MURO <br />Region 5 Waterboards. She wanted status on the 1535 E Pescadero Ave <br />hydrobromic release in 8-14-20. <br />I called her back and asked what information did she want me to provide. She said <br />from start to end. So I told her about my response to the complaint and it's status. <br />She had questions at the end and asked to clarify. I mentioned that Ancon sent <br />me photos and asked that I send to her. I told her I also took some of my own, she <br />requested those as well. I created a pdf of the photos I took and emailed them to <br />Isabella at <br />09/02/2020 Received a call from YRC personnel, (call was transferred to my cell phone so I <br />am unable to document the phone number). They asked for my email address so <br />that they can email me a copy of the disposal record. <br />09/08/2020 Received a call from Kim Blackwell (EHD)) notifying me that Tiffany (BNSF) <br />909-754-9887 called regarding an invoice she received and would like additional <br />information. <br />MURO <br />MURO <br />I called Tiffanie on the number provided. She was inquiring what the invoice was <br />for specifically. She was asking for a copy of a report. I let her know I can send her <br />a copy of the narrative. She provided her email address: <br />12/30/2020 Reviewed complaint narratives and emails. MURO <br />File preparation for abate. <br />12/30/2020 Emailed request for final manifest to Jamie Haines (YRC). MURO <br />Generated photo log. <br />12/31/2020 Preparing file for abatement. Still waiting on dispoasal record from Jamie Haynes MURO <br />(YRC). <br />01/05/2021 Received from Jamie Haynes (YRC) final copy of manifest #020623089JJK for the MURO <br />disposal of 250 pounds (2 drums) of non-RCRA Hazardous waste Solid (Debris, <br />neutralized hydrobromic acid). <br />5105.rpt Page 3 of 4