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ELECTRICAL TITLE 24 INDOOR <br />E-2DRAWN BY:JOB NO.:PA / PM:REMARKSDATEDATEREMARKS <br />AMAZON -FRESH <br />1555 N. CHRISMAN ROAD <br />TRACY, CALIFORNIA 95376 <br />NEW BAKERY <br />FX: (916)646-0619License #599724COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL SINCE 1990& CONTRACTING SERVICESPH: (916)646-4661BARNUM & CELILLOELECTRIC, INC.A Hands On Commitment FromConception to CompletionThe ideas, drawings, designs and specificationsincorporated herein serve as an instrument ofservices and is the property of Barnum & CelilloElectric Inc. and is not to be used in whole or in partfor any project without the written authorization ofBarnum & Celillo Electric Inc.Re-use, publication or reproduction by any methodin whole or in part is prohibited. Tile to the plansand specifications remain with Barnum & CelilloElectric, Inc., without prejudice pursuant to theprovisions of chapter 9 of division 3 of the businessand professions code.These plans and specifications are property ofBarnum & Celillo Electric Inc. for their exclusiveuse and not intended for bidding purposes.Barnum & Celillo Electric Inc., disclaim anyresponsibility for the plans accuracy and contentsif used by anyone other than Barnum & CelilloElectric Inc.CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS3900 Taylor StreetSacramento, CA 95838THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVEBEEN PREPARED BY BARNUM AND CELILLOELECTRIC, INC. FOR THE EXCLUSIVEDESIGN-BUILD USE IN ACCORDANCE WITHSECTION 5537.2 OR 6737.3 OF THE CALIFORNIABUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND SHALLNOT BE USED BY ANOTHER CONTRACTOR.LHS4129LS/BGDATE:10-13-2016D:\BCE-DWG\4219AMAZON OAK6\4229E2-T24.dwg, 10/13/2016 4:36:46 PM, 0.125:12