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SITE ALTERATIONS <br />Do you propose any lot grading: No Q Yes ECJ If yes, describe: <br />PAD grading. typical of single family rpcidential development <br />Will any vegetation be removed: No El Yes L-1 if yes, describe: <br />Fallow <br />Are any measures going to be taken to prevent erosion and to pre- <br />vent siltation of drainage system: No Q Yes I-�1 If yes, <br />describe: Typical residential construction _ <br />ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br />Are there parks hospitals or other public improvements in the <br />vicinity? No b Yes W If yes, describe and indicate distance: <br />lathrnn County Park and Dns Reis Cnunty Park - 1 mile <br />Cnunty Hn p til and Manteca Hnspital - 7 miles <br />Is the propert near any waterways or irrigation facilites: <br />No E Yes If yes, describe: <br />Is the area subject to flooding, poor drainage or other natural <br />hazard? No Q Yes ❑ If yes, describe: <br />Describe any easements on the property: None known <br />Will the project affect wildlife (fish, birds or animals) or their <br />habitat? No E Yes ❑ If yes, describe: <br />Will the pro est remove land from agricultural production? <br />No "X Yes If yes, indicate the amount and current crops: <br />Major Subdivision - 8 - (7/84) <br />