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INTRODUCTION <br />1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT <br />1.1 Description of Site: The project consists of one parcel totaling 3'" acres. The project is in <br />an agricultural community. The address is 8874 Live Oak Road, Lodi, CA 94212 and zoned <br />AL -5. The project parcel number is 063-050-19. <br />Description of proposed development: The purpose of this project is to construct a second <br />dwelling unit. <br />1.2 Parcel vicinity location map: (See Appendix). <br />1.3 Site map: (See Appendix). <br />2.0 PAST, PRESENT, AND PROPOSED FUTURE USES OF THIS SITE <br />2.1 Discussion of Past, Present uses at the site to assess potential problems: The present owner, <br />Mr. Holtberg, has owned subject property for four years. The past and present uses of the property <br />have been for a homesite. <br />3.0 CHEMICAL AND PHYSCAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL <br />3.1 Description of existing chemical and physical properties of soil: For a description of the <br />chemical and physical properties of the soils underlying the site, refer to Section 5 of the Soil <br />Suitability report prepared by Dillon & Murphy attached in the Appendix. <br />3.2 Description of the mass transport properties of the soils underlying the site with respect <br />to the nitrate and/or any other constituent of concern identified for the project site: The <br />results from the percolation test prepared by Dillon & Murphy have determined that the site is <br />permeable to a maximum depth of exploration of 42 inches. The soil type allows for infiltration <br />of water through the top soils. The infiltration rate will limit the natural treatment of the sites soils <br />as they drain rapidly from the surface layers. <br />The soil survey by US Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicates that there are two types of <br />soil types. The first is Hollenbeck Silty Clay and the second being Stockton Clay. The Hollenback <br />Clay composes the top layer of 0-10 inches of silty clay, followed by a more clay like material. <br />The Stockton Clay varies from 0-42 inch layer of clay to a 42 to 60 inch layer of more cemented <br />material. <br />4.0 GROUNDWATER ANALYSIS <br />4.1 Description of the depth to groundwater, seasonal fluctuations of groundwater depth, <br />directional flow and gradient: Description of depth to groundwater, seasonal fluctuations of <br />groundwater, directional flow and gradient are referred to in Section 4 of the Soil Suitability Report <br />prepared by Dillon & Murphy that is attached in the Appendix. <br />