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For#1360, Bottom Panel <br />SCRUMP ENGLISH TOFFEE ✓ <br />In the early 1980's in Yuba City, California, a kindergarten teacher named Sharon made English Toffee in appreciation of <br />parents who helped in her classroom. Word spread, demand grew, and Sharon soon found herself making a few batches of her <br />scrumptious English Toffee each day after school. A generation later, and in Sharon's honor, SCRUMP English Toffee is still hand <br />made in very small batches. California almonds are set in a buttery brittle, and completely enrobed in rich m Ilk chocolate, The <br />texture is soh, but crunchy to achieve what we call "the perfect melt rate." Your taste buds will be saying, "Just ane more bite," <br />#1360, Side Panel <br />✓ SCRUMP Candy Co. 18083 N Ripon Rd. RIpork CA 95366 (209) 482-4283 4/ <br /> <br />Made in a Certified Home Kitchen VPermit # PT23113 <br />Permit issued by the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Dept. <br />please keep frozen <br />Just one more 6itc <br />AIINaluul PlnLarwllw E Gluten Hal, <br />Made In a tlhhrn ihel prucatur almond, aM ro o11Mr nut yrexb¢L. <br />ingr Mlenla: f alllrnnla drnoudr, hunar Ir•+.... o+ ... .a oq supac, and rallM chnculelo,l., <br />Nal Wt 1Ib. 1454rurml <br />