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San Joaquin County <br />Hazardous Waste Collections <br />The services of PHILIP ENVIRONMENTAL range from petroleum tank <br />clean-ups, oil spill clean-up and site remediation to labpack services and household <br />waste collections. Hazardous waste that PHILIP ENVIRONMENTAL collects from <br />its contracted projects is usually transported by Resource Recovery Corporation (A <br />PHILIP ENVIRONMENTAL subsidiary) back to one of our treatment, storage and <br />disposal facilities, where the final disposal for the waste stream is determined. <br />Methods of disposal include beneficial reuse, incineration, recycling and landfill. <br />Over the last eight years, PHILIP ENVIRONMENTAL (formerly <br />CHEMPRO) has been involved in weekend round -ups of homeowner an d,agricultural <br />waste. These events have taken place in such locations as the San JuanIsl`ands, <br />Spokane, Tri -cities, Corvallis, Portland, Seattle, and Northern California, including <br />Marin, Yolo, San Joaquin amd Alameda counties. PHILIP ENVIRONMENTAL <br />currently operates the King County Hazardous Wastemobile. The Wastemobile is a <br />mobile facility that moves to a different location in King County every two weeks. <br />PHILIP's goal in participating in these types of events is to reduce the amount of <br />household hazardous waste (HHW) being sent to solid waste landfill, and to reuse and <br />recycle as much of this waste as possible. <br />In this San Joaquin County Hazardous Waste program, PHILIP <br />ENVIRONMENTAL is contracted to coordinate and execute HHW and CESQG <br />events for the County. PHILIP ENVIRONMENTAL will organize and staff the <br />events and dispose of the waste in accordance with State and EPA regulations. The <br />San Joaquin County Department of Public Works serves as the administrator of this <br />program.This work plan explains how PHILIP ENVIRONMENTAL will set-up and <br />control the operation, implement the health and safety plan, and respond in emergency <br />situations. <br />