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San Joaquin County Mobile Variance <br />BHWVAR990403 <br />Page 6 <br />24. At the closure of the collection site, the secondary containment system, other structures, <br />remaining containers, soil, and any other items that are contaminated with hazardous wastes or <br />waste residues shall be decontaminated or removed for appropriate disposal within 144 hours. <br />At the end of the event, the site manager shall inspect the facility to ensure that it has been <br />returned to its original state. <br />25. The applicant shall maintain primary responsibility for closure costs and all financial <br />liability related to this operation. <br />26. Nothing in this variance shall be construed to limit the authority of DTSC personnel to <br />enter all areas of the waste collection site, including segregation, packaging and handling areas, <br />for the purposes of evaluating compliance with the requirements of this variance. <br />27. DTSC shall be notified immediately upon discovery of any situation not addressed within <br />the conditions of this variance. <br />28. The applicant shall immediately notify DTSC of any noncompliance with the terms of <br />this variance. <br />29. A copy of this variance shall be carried in all vehicles used to transport hazardous waste. <br />30. An accident report regarding any hazardous waste transported pursuant to this variance <br />shall be submitted to this office, at the address listed in "Correspondence" below, within 10 days <br />of the accident. <br />Correspondence: Correspondence regarding this variance is to be forwarded to: <br />Department of Toxic Substances Control <br />Household Hazardous Waste Unit <br />State Regulatory Programs Division <br />700 Heinz Avenue, Suite 210 <br />Berkeley, California 94710-2737 <br />Telephone: (510) 540-3894 <br />Limitations of the variance: This variance only applies to HHW identified in this variance. <br />All other hazardous wastes not specified in this variance are fully regulated under the HSC <br />and Title 22, Cal. Code Regs. <br />Liability: The issuance of this variance does not release the applicant from any liability <br />associated with the handling of hazardous waste except as provided above. <br />