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CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />The shallow subsurface soils underlying the subject property where the new filter bed disposal <br />structure is to be installed, reveals a clay loam and sandy clay loam soil structure with acceptable <br />permeability determined by the perc rate of 13.2 minutes/inch. The underlying soils have <br />significant denitrification capabilities. Although a denitrification factor of 30% was used in the <br />original study, it is my professional opinion that this 30% parameter could have been increased at <br />least 1.5x, or even doubled based on the observed soil characteristics. <br />Sufficient area exists for the 100% replacement area, as detailed on the architectural Site Plan. <br />Although it may be many years or decades before failure of the primary system, when the <br />replacement area is activated, it must also be constructed as a filter bed arrangement, as <br />illustrated. <br />The septic tank has been increased in size from the required 1,200 gallon tank to a 2,000 gallon <br />tank to increase hydraulic residence time (FIRT) and promote nitrogen retention within the tank. <br />The wastewater characteristics are anticipated to be those normally found in typical domestic or <br />household systems. <br />The recommendation of installing a larger tank is based on the following premise: ' <br />From the September 2004 Symposium "University Curriculum Development for Decentralized <br />Wastewater Management - Onsite Nitrogen Removal," Dr. Stuart Oakley of California State <br />University Chico stated that "approximately 20% of the total nitrogen generated is removed in <br />the septic tank." If Dr. Oaldey's premise of an approximate 20% nitrogen removal occurs in <br />septic tanks, then if the tank size is increased a specific percentage from a baseline size, then it is <br />reasonable to assume that the percentage increase in tank size will remove that percentage of <br />nitrogen above the 20% baseline. This nitrogen removal occurs from anaerobic digestion of <br />organic material and scheduled tank pumping. Therefore, increasing the septic tank size for this <br />project from the required 1,200 gallon to 2,000 gallon is a 67% increase in capacity, thus <br />substantiating a 67% increase above this 20% N reduction: 20% + (20 x 0.67) = 33% decrease in <br />nitrogen concentrations by installing a 2,000 gallon tank in lieu of a 1,200 gallon tank. As <br />referenced in the AdvancedGeo document, the biomat removes another 10% of the nitrogen, <br />totaling a 43% decrease from the 45 mg/L nitrogen influent concentration of the wastewater: <br />45 -43% = 25.7 mg/L N concentration. <br />The initial nitrate loading calculations from AdvancedGeo show the resultant effluent from the <br />proposed SFR will theoretically possess a concentration of approximately 16.28 ppm as nitrate- <br />nitrogen. The following calculations demonstrate that changing the NRR exclusively (excluding <br />increased denitrification potential and decreased total wastewater nitrogen concentration, as <br />discussed above), lowers the nitrate loading potential to below the MCL: <br />HANTZSCHE/FINNEMORE EQUATION <br />IN,(I - d)+ R N <br />Nr = (I + R) <br />Where: <br /> tav - <br />Chesney Consulting