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I, the OwnerlAppcceatiLensed Well DrllletiPamp Cordractcr agcees to indemnify defend vi th Lounwal reasonably approved by Countyand toad twinlos <br />the County and its officers. otnaats employees agents, boards and cemn %tions (loWeCUvefy "County) as folom <br />I ,noamnty <br />a F -on and against any and al da" demands, proceedings, lawsuits, losset, darnapat, jUdWrl" artdlif Imbue ad" <br />oul of rela!ed to. or m connection wvlh ;t* applicator and spotted tar well of pump or b attack am soft ytstd, or acral, In Wmfe rX In <br />part, approval cr drtniai of the applied for pem111 by t' -e Couny, and any wwYwarMMal re View doGarlarIllis Fatah tit h wpkd b <br />permd <br />b Fcr any a id a cost; and expenses Irruried by the Cr, tnty on accasart of any CMtrt, enapl tahets SUM kWsnv+lldon IN pmrejw <br />by saw, -I;tuding ..I not tkmi!ed to damages costs expenses, atsorroy's fees, or espM wWi m cods to nay be smarted by arty <br />person or entity, private atter-,ay gerefal fees daimed W or awarded to any party agaqlal V* CaAW. rind she Ccaady'a cwls IrcUned <br />In prepartrfg an edminaUalive record wh'ch ere not pad by the petitioner <br />C Except as to the County's sole negligence or w Ilrul misconduct <br />2 Defense <br />a. The County may part :.,pate of drect the defense of any Claim. The Countya aoa m In deMnae of any d I - I t a. "at resew Rita of any <br />obllgahon to-cemrfy defend and hold `18"-ess the County <br />b in the event of a disagreamenl betAeen C:nunN and ma rtgardwV deserre of arty Clam, the Canty sr '3w this nAwift to cion" <br />Lhe IfIgaWn and mate -:ligation deustu,ns Including but not Lmikd to, Ne nwvlrw In vAtch the dpfa^3.e <br />If Courdy teasonably determines that having , ommen counsel p-esents such cour" with a coria of Iraanat. ! • ,f I t 1 i : , - -,. yVy assume ft detVlea Ot <br />arty Claim or to pfempty, employ counsel reasonawy s3hsfaUury !o the Candy, than County may UtRX6 the Ufl,ce 0 114 c4unty Crewel or employ, <br />separilr. nc'side Solln!el la repre!po! of deferd the County and I shall pay the wisonabla waorceys' Hoes end coefa of such could <br />I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PREPARED THIS APPLICATION AND THAT THE WORK WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE &TH SM <br />JOAQUIN COUNTY ORDINANCES, STATE LAWS, AND RULES AND REGULATIONS I ALSO CERTIFY THAT MY REQUIRED L CENSE IS <br />CURRENT AND ACTIVE WITH THE CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD AND THAT I AM .N COMPLIANCE. WITH A: L. <br />WORKERS COMPENSATION LAWS. <br />Pw.,,F'a:v OWNER: <br />PWNT'_R8 Rood aaI1Q,r,—_.�] <br />/OL L. <br />D�'r r <br />ION F04 OTHER THAN C-57 <br />outhorizill t hcre! � P s, <br />Rae..(C.I7 erM AAgrtNa waren Ire tAow� pr <br />m sign this San Joaquin Co ell & Baring Permit Application on Aw behalf. l understand this auttmnzation is valid t,y-rf,e year and <br />is limited to the work plan dated on the front page of this application <br />INDW)M IO -15 1I rw 1.11 <br />