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Additional Site Assessment Report and Human Health Risk Screening Evaluation <br /> <br /> 3 <br />isolated sandy lenses, to approximately 16 feet bgs. The subsurface site investigations conducted between 2019 <br />through 2022 yielded generally similar results (Section 5.1). <br />3 Site Assessment Activities <br />This section discusses the pre-field and field activities conducted by Arcadis between 2019 and 2022. <br />3.1 Pre-Field Activities <br />Prior to performing the soil and soil vapor assessment activities at the Site, pre-field activities were conducted and <br />included preparation of a Health and Safety Plan, obtaining necessary permits, and underground utility locating. <br />3.1.1 Health and Safety Plan Preparation <br />As required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.120 <br />(Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Responses), Arcadis prepared the site-specific Health and Safety <br />Plan (Arcadis 2019b) to address the health and safety issues related to the field activities to be conducted at the <br />Site. The Health and Safety Plan was originally generated in 2019 and was updated on an annual basis. <br />3.1.2 Permitting <br />Three permits were obtained from the San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department from 2019 through <br />2022. The permitting agency was notified of the field work at least 48 hours before commencement of field <br />activities. A copy of the permits obtained is provided in Appendix B. <br />3.1.3 Underground Utility Locating <br />Underground Service Alert of Northern California was notified a minimum of 48 hours prior to commencing field <br />activities during each mobilization to identify any public utility alignments that may be in conflict with the proposed <br />soil vapor probe locations. In addition, private utility locating companies, Pacific Coast Locators and Ground <br />Penetrating Radar Systems, LLC, were used to further evaluate the potential presence of underground utilities <br />near each proposed soil vapor probe location. No utility conflicts were identified. <br />3.2 Field Activities <br />This section discusses the scope of work for the site assessment activities, soil and soil vapor assessment <br />activities, equipment decontamination procedures, and management of investigation-derived waste (IDW). <br />3.2.1 Scope of Work <br />The Work Plan (Arcadis 2019a), Work Plan approval letter (CVRWQCB 2019), and subsequent email <br />correspondence proposed up to five dual-nested soil vapor probes to be installed, on five different residential <br />properties. However, Arcadis was only able to secure access agreements with two properties, located at 2532 <br />Dorset Lane and 2502 Dorset Lane. A total of five borings were advanced at these two properties from 2019 to <br />2022, as follows: