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Environmental Health Department <br />Time In: <br /> 1:15 pm <br />12:30 pm <br />Time Out: <br />Program Element: 1617 - RETAIL MARKET > 1000 SQ FT W / FOOD PREP <br />Telephone: (209) 477-6701 Owner/Operator: SUKHVINDER SANDHU <br />Inspection Type: ROUTINE INSPECTION - Operating Permit <br />Address: 853 E Yosemite Ave, MANTECA 95336 <br />Date: 05/16/2022Name of Facility: 7-ELEVEN INC. STORE #21756 <br />Food Program Official Inspection Report <br />VIOLATIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS <br />Items listed on this report as violations do not meet the requirements set forth in the California Health and Safety Code commencing with section 7; <br />113700. All violations must be corrected within specified timeframe. Violations that are classified as "MAJOR" pose an immediate threat to public health <br />and have the potential to cause foodborne illness. All major violations must be corrected immediately. Non-compliance may warrant immediate closure of <br />the food facility. <br /> #6 Handwashing Facilities Supplied and Accessible <br />OBSERVATIONS: Front hand sink is partially blocked by trash bin. Remove trash bin today to provide full accessibility to <br />the hand wash station. Corrected on site. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Handwashing soap and towels or drying device shall be provided in dispensers dispensers shall be <br />maintained in good repair. (113953.2) Adequate facilities shall be provided for hand washing, food preparation and the washing of <br />utensils and equipment. (113953, 113953.1, 114067(f)) <br /> #7 Hot and Cold Holding Temperatures <br />OBSERVATIONS: 1 D display cooler/ sandwiches, has temp at 46F. Provide 41F or below today. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Potentially hazardous foods shall be held at or below 41/ 45°F or at or above 135°F. (113996, 113998, <br />114037, 114343(a)) <br /> #21 Hot and Cold Potable Water Not Available <br />OBSERVATIONS: 3 comp sink and mop sink have temp at 117F and 114F respectively. Provide 120F or more today. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water and cold water shall be provided at all times. <br />(113953(c), 114099.2(b) 114101(a), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195) <br /> #30 Food Storage/Display Properly Labeled <br />OBSERVATIONS: I observe 2 types of prepackaged pickles packs stored at room temperature. On the pack, it is <br />recommended to refrigerate. Follow the manufacture instructions for these items at all times. Items are voluntarily discarded <br />during my inspection. <br />CALCODE DESCRIPTION: Food shall be stored in approved containers and labeled as to contents. Food shall be stored at least 6" <br />above the floor on approved shelving. (114047, 114049, 114051, 114053, 114055, 114067(h), 114069 (b)) <br />Page 1 of 3EHD 16-23 Rev. 09/16/2020 Food Program OIR <br />FA0001369 PR0161279 SC001 05/16/2022 <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue | Stockton, California 95205 | T 209 468-3420 | F 209 464-0138 |