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San Joaquin County Record Center - 2 - 6 May 2022 <br />630 North California Street <br />Stockton, San Joaquin County <br />observed immediately south of the west doorway to the warehouse along the exterior <br />wall. At approximately 3.4 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) a metal object was <br />confirmed measuring approximately four feet in diameter, based on magnetic response. <br />Four continuous core borings, GP-1 — GP-4, were advanced in the vicinity of the <br />identified UST to 30 ft bgs. Gasoline constituents were detected in soil samples <br />submitted for laboratory analysis. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected at maximum <br />concentrations of 8,100 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) total petroleum hydrocarbons <br />as gasoline (TPH-G), 48 mg/kg toluene, 190 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 780 mg/kg total <br />xylenes. <br />On 29 March 2012, Condor excavated and exposed one single-walled steel UST and <br />associated product piping. The UST was partially excavated to depths of approximately <br />three to six ft bgs to confirm its location and estimate its dimensions. The top of the <br />UST was observed at approximately 2.5 ft bgs, the bottom of the UST appeared to be at <br />6.5 ft bgs. The UST was measured to be four feet in length with a diameter of <br />approximately 4 feet and a 375-gallon capacity. Visual observations indicated that the <br />UST appeared to be in good condition with no visible holes or cracks, with obvious rust <br />corrosion but was sound when struck with a hammer. The presence of sand inside of <br />the UST suggested that the UST has been previously abandoned in place by filling with <br />sand. No petroleum hydrocarbon staining of soil was observed in the sidewalls of the <br />excavation. Due to the proximity of an active natural gas line, electrical line and the <br />warehouse wall foundation, removal of the UST was not recommended. Soil samples <br />were collected at the direction of SJCEHD staff. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not <br />detected in soil samples submitted for laboratory analysis. The UST was filled with <br />cement and abandoned in place, and the excavation was backfilled. <br />In November 2013, one groundwater monitoring well, MW-1, was installed. Petroleum <br />hydrocarbons were detected in the initial groundwater sample from MW-1 at 29,000 <br />micrograms per liter (ug/L) TPH-G, 220 ug/L benzene, 5,600 ug/L toluene, 760 ug/L. <br />In December 2018, Condor advanced two on-Site shallow soil borings, HA-2 and HA-3, <br />and one off-Site boring, GP-5. Shallow soil samples from borings HA-2 and HA-3, and <br />a grab groundwater sample from GP-5 were submitted for laboratory analytical analysis. <br />TPH as diesel (TPH-D) was detected at 790 mg/kg in HA-3 at 5 ft bgs, no other <br />petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples. Toluene was detected in the <br />grab groundwater sample from GP-5 at 0.34 ug/L. <br />CONSTITUENT DATA <br />Soil - The maximum petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations detected in soil beneath the <br />Site are shown in the following Table 1.