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EXIBIT A <br /> BAU M BAC H & PIAZZA, INC. Lodi CA. E 40 rest <br /> 2003 <br /> CIVIL ENGINEERS • LAND SURVEYORS Phone (209) 368.6618 <br /> ND (209) 3 8.6610 <br /> �Q�P�- <br /> coo s G <br /> Q) to< <br /> Lot Line Adjustment <br /> PA - 2100268 * � IZv <br /> �qr � �sa9 ���P o/ly <br /> Parcel 1: ,Fof, CAO I <br /> The westerly 333.00 feet of that certain real property situated in the County of San Joaquin, <br /> State of California, described as follows: <br /> A portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 3 North, Range 7 East, Mount Diablo <br /> Base and Meridian, described as follows: <br /> BEGINNING at a point on the North and South Quarter Section line through the center of Section <br /> 3, Township 3 North, Range 7 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, from which point the <br /> Quarter Section corner on the South line of said Section 3 bears South 0145' East, 943.90 feet; <br /> running thence along said Quarter Section line, North 0045' West, 648.8 feet to the North line of <br /> the parcel of land described in the Deed to Jerry D. Mettler recorded January 16, 1956 in Volume <br /> 1828 of Official Records, at Page 199, San Joaquin County Records; thence North 89116' East, <br /> 675.25 feet along said North line to the Northeast corner of said parcel of land; thence South <br /> 0148'30" East, 650.18 feet along the East line of said parcel of land to the Southeast corner of <br /> said parcel of land; thence South 89123' West, 675.93 feet along the South line of said parcel of <br /> land to the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br /> EXCEPT THEREFROM the North 200.00 feet. <br /> Parcel 2: <br /> A single parcel of land situated in the unincorporated area of the County of San Joaquin, State of <br /> California, comprised of the following two parcels: <br /> Parcel A: <br /> A portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 3 North, Range 7 East, Mount Diablo <br /> Base and Meridian, described as follows: <br /> BEGINNING at a point on the North and South Quarter Section line through the center of Section <br /> 3, Township 3 North, Range 7 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, from which point the <br /> Quarter Section corner on the South line of said Section 3 bears South 0145' East, 943.90 feet; <br /> running thence along said Quarter Section line, North 0045' West, 648.8 feet to the North line of <br /> the parcel of land described in the Deed to Jerry D. Mettler recorded January 16, 1956 in Volume <br /> 1828 of Official Records, at Page 199, San Joaquin County Records; thence North 89016' East, <br /> 675.25 feet along said North line to the Northeast corner of said parcel of land; thence South <br /> 0048'30" East, 650.18 feet along the East line of said parcel of land to the Southeast corner of <br /> said parcel of land; thence South 89123' West, 675.93 feet along the South line of said parcel of <br /> land to the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br /> S:\Projects\2013\13029-01\1_Documents\doc\Lot Line Adjustment Legals.doc <br />