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SANfJOAQUIN <br /> Environmental Health Department <br /> <br />—COUNTY - <br />Greatness gropes h. <br />Time In: <br />Time Out: <br />-ft irr}1,10' <br /> <br />COMPLAINT INSPECTION REPORT <br /> <br />Name of Facility: BNSF Date: 02/11/2022 <br />Address: 6540 S AUSTIN ST, STOCKTON <br />Owner/Operator: JOHN BRAINARD Telephone (209) 507-6289 <br />Program Element: 2546 - RELEASE/SPILL RESPONSE (EXCLUDING JOINT TEAM) Complaint #: COLXZWOTE <br />Responsible Party Contact: JAMIE HAINES (YRC) <br />DESCRIPTION OF COMPLAINT ALLEGATIONS <br />The San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department received the following complaint: <br />55 gallons of Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner released from a 55 gallon drum impacting a container and asphalt. <br />OVERALL INSPECTION NOTES AND COMMENTS <br />NOTES <br />The EHD received notification regarding a 1 gallon release of flammable brake parts cleaner at 720 S B. Street in Stockton, <br />CA. I contacted BNSF LARS Manager John Brainard who confirmed the release. Per John, the release was discovered at <br />parking spot #1372. When the container was opened, they discovered a 55 gallon drum of bake parts cleaner that was <br />actively leaking. The leak impacted the container and asphalt. The container was moved to a lined containment pit. Patriot <br />Environmental was contracted for clean-up. I arrived at 720 S B. Street and contacted Supervisor Chris Feathers of Patriot <br />Environmental. Chris stated that the spill location is at 6540 S Austin Rd in Stockton, CA. I arrived at the site location and <br />confirmed the impacted asphalt at space 1372 was clean. Per Chris, absorbent was applied and swept into a 85 gallon meatl <br />drum. I then verified the container at the containment pit was clean. Per Chris, the entire 55 gallon drum had released and <br />evaporated. The container was observed to be dry and odors were not detected. The empty 55 gallon drum of brake parts <br />cleaner was also placed into the 85 gallon drum and will be disposed of as hazardous waste on manifest 019703902JJK. The <br />drum will be taken to Patriot's yard at 4520 Dudley Blvd in Sacramento, CA before being transported to Crosby and Overton <br />located at 1630W 17th St in Long Beach, CA. Clean-up is complete. Provide waste/hazardous waste disposal records for <br />impacted material to the EHD. <br />Please be advised that the disposal of any waste [HSC 5411] or disposal of any hazardous waste, or the causing thereof, is <br />prohibited when the disposal is at a facility that is not permitted or authorized for hazardous waste disposal. [HSC <br />25189.5(a).]. Please be aware that all hazardous waste shall be disposed of under appropriate hazardous waste manifesting <br />procedure [HSC 25160 (b)(3)]. <br />The person in charge is responsible for ensuring that the above mentioned facility is in compliance with all applicable sections of the California Health and <br />Safety Code. If a reinspection is required, fees will be assessed at the current hourly rate. <br />Received by: Name and Title: Emailed to Jamie Haines, Safety Coo <br />EH Specialist: VICKY VANG-LEE Phone: (209) 616-3028 <br />COLXZWOTE SC944 02/11/2022 <br />END 25-01 Rev. 01/07/2021 <br />Page 1 of 1 Complaint Inspection Report <br />1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 I T 209 468-3420 I F 209 464-0138 I